
  1. sktanmoy

    Android Question Is there any way to reuse AppCompat Actionbar code appwide?

    Is there any way to use AppCompact Actionbar in all Activity without writing the same code again and again. I tried to integrate the code into a class (I'm not using XUI). But failed.
  2. D

    Android Question Need help with corwin42’s example “Material Design 4 - Modifyable and advanced Menu”

    I have added Menu.AddSubMenu(4,4,6,"SubMenu") to the Activity_CreateMenu sub in corwin42’s example and want clicking “SubMenu” to redisplay the menu with submenu items. How can this be achieved? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Android Question AppCompat Sliding Menu - Disable Menu options

    Hello guys, I'm using AppCompat Sliding Menu example and would like to know if is there a way to enable/disable a menu option from the options list? Also, how can I implement line separators by subject, like below (here I forced "-------------") Regards, Fernando
  4. peacemaker

    Android Question Splash screen on AppCompat activity with ACToolBar

    Hi, All Anyone tried to make a splash screen, if ACToolBar is used on AppCompat activity ? Toolbar is topmost :-( Test project for debug is attached. Any solution ?
  5. Y

    Android Question ACPopupMenu black border on API level 22

    I'm using appcompat to create a popup menu using ACPopupMenu, with Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar as the base theme I've then modified. On android 5.0.1 (API 22) however there is a strange black border around the popup menu when it's shown. The same thing does not happen on 7.1 (API 25) and...