
  1. R

    Android Question Updating a list of 1D string arrays

    Experimenting with B4XTable and in that the data is set with a list of arrays. Now in these arrays I have Excel dates and I need to alter these to tick dates and I do this with this code fragment: For c = 0 To arrDataTypes.Length - 1 If arrDataTypes(c) = "XD" Then...
  2. Android Question Generate JRDC cmd.parameters dinamically

    Hi everybody, I am trying to generate a "cmd.Parameters" for a "reqManager.ExecuteQuery" dynamically, but I don't know how to generate an array as object!! If I try: Private theParamsList As List theParamsList.Initialize For Each myVal As String In m2.Values 'Here we...
  3. B4J Tutorial [B4x] Exchange Data via OkHttpUtils and php (or other platforms) via lists, maps, arrays, etc.

    I made 7 examples how to exchange data between B4x apps and php. I use the POSTSTRING method as it is simple, secure (get-methods will be logged with the data autmatically on the server, post-methods not), strings can be formatted very easy (JSON) and en-/decrypted (not included but see my other...
  4. Other Arrays

    Not a question, not a bug... just a strange... fact. Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean) Dim MyObjects(3) As clsMyClass MyObjects(0).Initialize(0) MyObjects(1).Initialize(1) MyObjects(2).Initialize(2) LogArr("MyObjects", MyObjects) ' THIS IS OK Dim arrInt(3) As Int...
  5. R

    Android Question How to show a grid on a form. Columns and rows.

    I am confused. I see tables, lists, xCustomListViews and don't know what to use. there are many examples with images. I just want simple text, rows and columns. below is in using the GridView control. What is the best method to use. Any sample would be much appreciated.
  6. B4R Question How do I remove an object from array?

    I used the ESP Configurator to get me started with communicating with my ESP-12E. When I then tried using the B4A client example to communicate with it, it ended up screwing up the WiFi settings on the ESP. I quickly realized why after looking at the code. So now I intend to add a "header" so...
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