
  1. A

    iOS Question what happened to google maps?

    Recently, the google maps library stopped being compatible, or something happened, since it doesn't show the map, it only looks gray, one day the application worked, the next it didn't.
  2. David Hawkins

    iOS Question JSON Parser

    Hi I am currently modifying an Android App to work on IOS and I am retrieving data from a database and parsing it using the following code Dim parser As JSONParser Dim response As String = job.GetString Log(response)...
  3. David Hawkins

    iOS Question Trying to learn B4I

    I followed Erels video although Apple have updated their process from what was shown, anyway I managed to create a signing request, ios certificate and download a mobile provision file and when trying compile the app I get the following B4i Version: 8.30 Parsing code. (0.14s) Building...
  4. james_sgp

    iOS Question IStore, purchases refuse by Apple

    Hi, I'm using iStore in my app for users to make membership purchases; however, the app has been rejected by apple for the following reason: "We noticed that your app includes, or accesses paid digital content, services, or functionality by means other than in-app purchase, which is not...
  5. Lucas Siqueira

    Wish #SignKeyFile and #SignKeyPassword in B4I

    Please put #SignKeyFile and #SignKeyPassword on b4i, the same way you have on android, I work as a freelancer, every time I go to work on a different project I have to keep changing the folder path for signatures and files, the same thing happens with passwords, I always have to change them. It...
  6. grant1842

    iOS Question Brx Pages Scrollview question

    Hello all . I am loading a scrollview to display 6 views (panels, etc) My problem is it scrolls to the 4th panel and not the 5th and 6th panels. I am makeing this app for b4i, and b4a. Class_Globals Private pnlscrollview As B4XView 'This event will be called once, before the page becomes...
  7. grant1842

    iOS Question Code a sub for b4i or b4a in a b4x app.

    In b4a i can do toastMessage("android.") in b4i i can use HUD toastmessage("ios") I am working on a cross platform app. So is there a way to Example If b4i then Toastmessage("b4i") else if b4a Toastmessage("b4a") Is there any documentation for this. I hope my question makes sense...
  8. james_sgp

    iOS Question Opening a Protected PDF in Webview

    Hi, I have a PDF file locally (Xui.defaultfolder), that is protected (Password)...how do I open this in a Webview automatically with the password? Thanks, James
  9. G

    iOS Question [Solved] Error on GetToken Method After New Version

    Hello, my app does not working after the last update of B4I and B4iBuildServer. It is an app, in which user subscribes to a topic (Firebase push notification), and after the subscription, I use a method named GetToken. (I found this method in another post) Private Sub GetToken As String...
  10. james_sgp

    iOS Question Safearea when using B4xpages

    Hi, I`ve create a B4X app (B4a & B4i), but I`m having a problem with a bottom ASAdvancedTabMenu menu not showing correctly on IPhone 14 (bottom is hidden), it looks fine on iPhone SE. So I`m guessing (rightly or wrongly) is related to the safearea? Can someone advise how I find the usable...
  11. Lucas Siqueira

    iOS Question Resizing a panel or a label inside a customlistview not work on b4i

    why does resizing a panel or a label inside a customlistview not work on b4i? (on android it works normally) if you try to resize outside the customlistview, it works normally #Region Shared Files #CustomBuildAction: folders ready, %WINDIR%\System32\Robocopy.exe,"..\..\Shared Files"...
  12. Lucas Siqueira

    Bug? Resizing a panel or a label inside a customlistview not work on b4i

    why does resizing a panel or a label inside a customlistview not work on b4i? (on android it works normally) if you try to resize outside the customlistview, it works normally #Region Shared Files #CustomBuildAction: folders ready, %WINDIR%\System32\Robocopy.exe,"..\..\Shared Files"...
  13. walterf25

    iOS Question Problem with Local Mac Builder (SOLVED)

    Hi All, I seem to be having some issues with compiling my B4i apps using my local builder, I continue to get the following Error: I followed this thread here but I have already followed all the necessary steps including installing B4i bridge first, this was working before, the only change is...
  14. N

    Italian Push notification direttamente da wordpress.

    Ciao a tutti , sono un principiante ho creato una semplice applicazione per una pagina web che ho già pubblicato su apple store e su Google Play. Riesco a mandare le PUSH direttamente dalla console di Firebase e con il codice b4j indicato da Erel nel tutorial, Ho visto che c'è un plugin di...
  15. S

    B4A Class [B4X] PDF Generator - B4X Cross Platform - Class 100% B4X Code

    Hi, This class cPDF.bas (version 0.6 - 2024-01-03) generate PDF File with limited fonctionnalities (but enough for me) Add pages with different paper size (use constants or custom size) PDF standards font (Courier, Helvetica, Times, Symbol and Zapfdingbats), style (Normal, Bold, Italic...
  16. MList

    iOS Question serial interface

    Hi, I am working with a device which sends data via cable. How can I do it with B4i? Whats the serial lib? B4J: Dim AStream As AsyncStreams Private com As Serial com.Initialize("com") com.Open(cmbText.SelectedItem) com.SetParams(115200,8,1,0) AStream.Initialize(com.GetInputStream...
  17. MList

    iOS Question ActivityViewController Error

    Hi All, i need help. I just wand to save a .png file on iphone and get an Error. Thanks for your help Var.Filepath = xui.DefaultFolder '******************************************************************************************************************** ' Speichern...
  18. D

    iOS Question App store - Encryption compliance

    Hi, Guys Every time I update my App(s) and send them to the App store I have to say NO to encryption (my Apps don't contain any encryption) before it goes in for release. Just found the following, which suggests I can make this a default for my App and avoid having to answer this question every...
  19. walterf25

    iOS Question Library creation issue

    Hi all, it's been a very long time I haven't done anything with B4i, I recently just renewed my license for both B4i and Apple developer, I decided to continue working on a library I had started working on a while back, I have set everything up, the library files have compiled just fine without...
  20. Lucas Siqueira

    iOS Question Error with xui.MsgboxAsync("text", "title") with B4XPages.ClosePage(Me), page does not close

    When I display a message with xui.MsgboxAsync("text", "title") and then immediately order to close the page with B4XPages.ClosePage(Me) , on Android it works correctly, but on IOS it does not close the page, and when I click a button that I created and has the command to close the page, nothing...