
  1. Global Robot Empire

    Tribute To Erel

    What you have created – from scratch – is epic, revolutionary and nothing short of MONUMENTAL For this – I salute you You have empowered and awakened a hitherto dormant community of Visual Basic aficionado–enthusiasts from a deep slumber – with your magnificent and wondrous tools – tailored...
  2. Global Robot Empire

    Android Question B4X with AI Machine Learning

    @Erel , can we Crowdfund you to incorporate AI into B4X – with the help of some Experts, if needed? Not the Language Models – more like Deep Machine Learning to do interesting things. Train the AI – like Tensor with Deepfakes. But on a lower level, using APIs maybe – without the need for...
  3. EstasPerplejo

    Android Question B4x - Loop through Labels in a List

    Hi guys. I encounterd a problem and I can't seem to figure it out. Using B4X 13 on Android 15 I created 3 labels in the designer, added the name of the label-views to a list. Now I want to change the text of each label within a small loop and get an error message... Could someone here give me...
  4. alwaysbusy

    Other [B4X][BANano][CLASS] JSONPath: create, read and modify JSON files using a path syntax

    I always loved the function @wonder had written to read JSON files using a path structure: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/json-getobjfrompath.85539/#content It truly is navigating JSON trees like a boss and we use his method extensively in almost all our projects. But I always...
  5. AmirPYTHON

    Android Question Sample Messenger with B4A

    Hi guys! I saw the mqtt tutorial from Erel on this site, but it worked with Wi-Fi. Does anyone have information about this? How to make an online messenger similar to WhatsApp?
  6. Schakalaka

    Italian Generatore PDF - gestire le nuove pagine

    ciao a tutti. sto provando a creare un generatore di pdf, contenente del testo semplice e dei campi da compilare in un form, prima di generarlo. sto usando la classe cPDF (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-pdf-generator-b4x-cross-platform-class-100-b4x-code.145181/#content) ma il...
  7. EstasPerplejo

    Android Question B4x Webview: Handling href and mailto links

    Hi folks. I've been working on a new project (B4x / V12.80 - Web-Browser) for quite some time now. Now, as my work is progressing I noticed that the webview control can't seem to handle links like downloads (href) or mailto events. Clicking on these links will result in no action whatsoever...
  8. G

    Android Question How to read JSON files from a remote server?THANKS!

    prefdialog.LoadFromJson(File.ReadString(File.DirAssets, "Example.json"))
  9. S

    Android Question B4XComboBox not hiding keyboard when user goes to select item.

    Is it possible to hide the keyboard when a user clicks a B4XComboBox (i.e. take the focus away from the previous text field)?
  10. W

    Android Code Snippet [Class] [B4X] wmHtml - remove html tags and replace html entities with their corresponding characters

    Posted in the B4J Code Snippets forum: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/class-b4x-wmhtml-remove-html-tags-and-replace-html-entities-with-their-corresponding-characters.162596/
  11. W

    B4J Code Snippet [Class] [B4X] wmHtml - remove html tags and replace html entities with their corresponding characters

    See title. The html entities' data were obtained from https://symbl.cc/en/html-entities/ and some additional ones were added. The attached demo project contains the class; there are no library dependencies. Example code from the project: Private wmHtml1 As wmHtml wmHtml1.Initialize...
  12. W

    B4A Class wmBoseSoundTouch - control a Bose SoundTouch speaker from B4X [B4X][Class]

    Posted in the B4J forum at https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/wmbosesoundtouch-control-a-bose-soundtouch-speaker-from-b4x-b4x-class.162205/
  13. W

    B4J Library wmBoseSoundTouch - control a Bose SoundTouch speaker from B4X [B4X][Class]

    The title says it all; tested with a Bose SoundTouch 20. The API info on which this class is based can be found at https://firstandsecondhomes.com/assets/uploads/SoundTouchAPI_WebServices_v1.1.0.pdf. Public methods: - Initialize: Initializes the object - GetBass: Retrieves information about...
  14. james_sgp

    Android Question AS_TextFieldAdvanced for Phone Numbers

    Hi, can anyone point me in the direction to be able to use the AS_TextFieldAdvanced to enter phone numbers (I need a + key), Numeric keypad is numbers only; Decimal keypad has '.' but no '+'... Thanks to the wonderful community, for the hel...in advance. James
  15. james_sgp

    Android Question [B4X] [XUI] AS TextFieldAdvanced - How to set 'title'from code?

    I want to be able to change the 'title' on the textfield the property 'title' is read only... Can someone help? James
  16. Peter Simpson

    B4X Turtle graphics examples

    Hello everyone, A few months ago I embarked on a journey to learn B4X Turtle, below are some examples that I converted from Python. While I have many more, these are just a few to showcase the Python converted code. When I have the time, I plan to tidy up the source code and release it on the...
  17. A


    Hi all, I have a project developed in B4X and I look for someone that can make the IOS version full working and must be published on app store too. This project is a time and attendance app that must succed in use nfc,gps and select from a list. The app must work without internet link and must...
  18. M

    Android Question [B4X Pages] How to restart an Application after a Crash

    Hi everyone, I've to develop a Kiosk Mode Application (for a panel pc/tablet)... I'm concerned about what happens if the app crashes... Is there any robust way to restart the application in case it crashes? Thanks in advance
  19. Alexander Stolte

    Share My Creation ToDo App - Full working App B4A/B4I [Source for sale]

    This is a fully functional ToDo app for Android and IOS (B4A and B4I) With this B4X project I show how to develop a modern and good looking cross-platform app with B4X. Features SQLite Database structure Task due notifications Dark and Light Mode Switch on the fly, without app restart...
  20. fat32

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] XQ MiniListButton

    A small button, that changes/cycles values from a list. Very useful, to allow user to select specific values from a list. Features: Change background and text color Customizable text label width/size Customizable icon label width/size Can adjust icon spacing/padding Change Event Reversible...