
  1. MicroDrie

    Share My Creation Interactive expandable multi B4XPages Drawer menu (tested in B4J and B4A)

    In the five years that I have been using my single B4XPage expandable Drawer menu in B4J and B4A, both the IDEs and the B4X components have evolved. The time was ripe to create a new version called m3Menu. Below the result and an overview of the possibilities: The starting point was that the...
  2. W

    B4J Tutorial Tip : B4XLib documentation

    I recently spent half a day on a wild goose chase trying to find out what was going on with SQLCipher, while the issue turned out to be B4XTable.b4xlib containing an #AdditionalJar for sqlite-jdbc, while my Main module contained that as well, but a different version. I could only find that out...
  3. EstasPerplejo

    Android Question B4x Orientation - landscape App restarts

    Hi Folks. I have discovered a strange behavior when an app is set to landscaped orientation and the power button of the cell phone is pressed... I narrowed it down so a single page and attached it as zip file for download. Here is what happens: I start the app, move the app into the background...
  4. Global Robot Empire

    Tribute To Erel

    What you have created – from scratch – is epic, revolutionary and nothing short of MONUMENTAL For this – I salute you You have empowered and awakened a hitherto dormant community of Visual Basic aficionado–enthusiasts from a deep slumber – with your magnificent and wondrous tools – tailored...
  5. Global Robot Empire

    Android Question B4X with AI Machine Learning

    @Erel , can we Crowdfund you to incorporate AI into B4X – with the help of some Experts, if needed? Not the Language Models – more like Deep Machine Learning to do interesting things. Train the AI – like Tensor with Deepfakes. But on a lower level, using APIs maybe – without the need for...
  6. EstasPerplejo

    Android Question B4x - Loop through Labels in a List

    Hi guys. I encounterd a problem and I can't seem to figure it out. Using B4X 13 on Android 15 I created 3 labels in the designer, added the name of the label-views to a list. Now I want to change the text of each label within a small loop and get an error message... Could someone here give me...
  7. Star-Dust

    B4A Library [B4X] SD_Curtain

    Passage from page to another with curtain effect (B4A, B4J) SD_Curtain Author: Star-Dust Version: 1.01 SD_Curtain Events: ToLeft ToRight Fields: mBase As B4XView Tag As Object Functions: Class_Globals As String DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String...
  8. alwaysbusy

    Other [B4X][BANano][CLASS] JSONPath: create, read and modify JSON files using a path syntax

    I always loved the function @wonder had written to read JSON files using a path structure: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/json-getobjfrompath.85539/#content It truly is navigating JSON trees like a boss and we use his method extensively in almost all our projects. But I always...
  9. AmirPYTHON

    Android Question Sample Messenger with B4A

    Hi guys! I saw the mqtt tutorial from Erel on this site, but it worked with Wi-Fi. Does anyone have information about this? How to make an online messenger similar to WhatsApp?
  10. Schakalaka

    Italian Generatore PDF - gestire le nuove pagine

    ciao a tutti. sto provando a creare un generatore di pdf, contenente del testo semplice e dei campi da compilare in un form, prima di generarlo. sto usando la classe cPDF (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-pdf-generator-b4x-cross-platform-class-100-b4x-code.145181/#content) ma il...
  11. EstasPerplejo

    Android Question B4x Webview: Handling href and mailto links

    Hi folks. I've been working on a new project (B4x / V12.80 - Web-Browser) for quite some time now. Now, as my work is progressing I noticed that the webview control can't seem to handle links like downloads (href) or mailto events. Clicking on these links will result in no action whatsoever...
  12. G

    Android Question How to read JSON files from a remote server?THANKS!

    prefdialog.LoadFromJson(File.ReadString(File.DirAssets, "Example.json"))
  13. S

    Android Question B4XComboBox not hiding keyboard when user goes to select item.

    Is it possible to hide the keyboard when a user clicks a B4XComboBox (i.e. take the focus away from the previous text field)?
  14. W

    Android Code Snippet [Class] [B4X] wmHtml - remove html tags and replace html entities with their corresponding characters

    Posted in the B4J Code Snippets forum: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/class-b4x-wmhtml-remove-html-tags-and-replace-html-entities-with-their-corresponding-characters.162596/
  15. W

    B4J Code Snippet [Class] [B4X] wmHtml - remove html tags and replace html entities with their corresponding characters

    See title. The html entities' data were obtained from https://symbl.cc/en/html-entities/ and some additional ones were added. The attached demo project contains the class; there are no library dependencies. Example code from the project: Private wmHtml1 As wmHtml wmHtml1.Initialize...
  16. W

    B4A Class wmBoseSoundTouch - control a Bose SoundTouch speaker from B4X [B4X][Class]

    Posted in the B4J forum at https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/wmbosesoundtouch-control-a-bose-soundtouch-speaker-from-b4x-b4x-class.162205/
  17. W

    B4J Library wmBoseSoundTouch - control a Bose SoundTouch speaker from B4X [B4X][Class]

    The title says it all; tested with a Bose SoundTouch 20. The API info on which this class is based can be found at https://firstandsecondhomes.com/assets/uploads/SoundTouchAPI_WebServices_v1.1.0.pdf. Public methods: - Initialize: Initializes the object - GetBass: Retrieves information about...
  18. james_sgp

    Android Question AS_TextFieldAdvanced for Phone Numbers

    Hi, can anyone point me in the direction to be able to use the AS_TextFieldAdvanced to enter phone numbers (I need a + key), Numeric keypad is numbers only; Decimal keypad has '.' but no '+'... Thanks to the wonderful community, for the hel...in advance. James
  19. james_sgp

    Android Question [B4X] [XUI] AS TextFieldAdvanced - How to set 'title'from code?

    I want to be able to change the 'title' on the textfield the property 'title' is read only... Can someone help? James
  20. Peter Simpson

    B4X Turtle graphics examples

    Hello everyone, A few months ago I embarked on a journey to learn B4X Turtle, below are some examples that I converted from Python. While I have many more, these are just a few to showcase the Python converted code. When I have the time, I plan to tidy up the source code and release it on the...