
  1. MicroDrie

    Share My Creation Interactive expandable multi B4XPages Drawer menu (tested in B4J and B4A)

    In the five years that I have been using my single B4XPage expandable Drawer menu in B4J and B4A, both the IDEs and the B4X components have evolved. The time was ripe to create a new version called m3Menu. Below the result and an overview of the possibilities: The starting point was that the...
  2. K

    Android Question guava-26.0 - Unable to Compile the application

    I'm developing an image classification Android app, but each time I try to compile it, I get an error. B4A Version: 13.00 Parsing code. (0.18s) Java Version: 19 Building folders structure. (0.08s) Running custom action. (0.08s) Compiling code. (1.08s) Compiling layouts code...
  3. DALB

    Android Question Error on calling a sub from a b4Xpage to another B4Xpage

    Hello, You can try the zip file below. I need to call a sub of a B4Xpage (p1) from an other B4Xpage (p2). When the pointer arrives to the page p1, it has to fill labels and edittexts. These ones are declared as B4Xview. But at the first label, the process stops telling that the label is not...
  4. Mattiaf

    Android Question Too slow getting data

    Hi, I'm getting text from a website at the press of a button, but it seems way too slow and not async. The data is being downloaded from a website that cointains plain text only, it is filtered in order to display only what matters to me and I replace the weed days from english to italian. The...
  5. M

    Android Question Transparent StatusBar and NavigationBar Using B4XPages

    Hi everyone, i wish to achive this type of result where the content of my app can be displayed on all the screen (so statusbar and navigation bar are transparent). I already took a look at this post but trying it on my phone i noticed that the offset sizing is not dynamic, but is fixed on...
  6. carlos7000

    Android Question It is possible to wait for a B4XPages page to disappear? {Solved]

    Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to wait for a B4XPages (QrCode Reader) page to finish and then obtain the result. The first thing I do is load the page that reads in qrcode Private Sub ButtonQrOrigen_Click B4XPages.ShowPage("Qr Code Reader") Dim Resultado As String =...
  7. carlos7000

    Spanish Cómo esperar a que una pagina de B4XPages finalice? [Solucionado]

    Hola a todos Deseo hacer algo así: Private Sub ButtonQrOrigen_Click B4XPages.ShowPage("Qr Code Reader") Dim Resultado As String = QRC_Reader.Resultado Log($"Resultado ${Resultado}"$) End Sub Como uds ya saben, el código anterior se ejecuta sin esperar a que finalice la pagina "Qr...
  8. carlos7000

    Spanish Como volver a B4XMainPage? [Solucionado]

    Sé, que para cargar una pagina de B4XPages empleo un código como este B4XPages.ShowPage("Pagina 2") pero cuando estoy en otra pagina, como hago para mostrar B4XMainPage? si ejecuto por ejemplo esto Private Sub ButtonGuardarYVolver_Click GuardaData B4XPages.ShowPage("B4XMainPage")...
  9. carlos7000

    Wish Proposal for Automatic Inclusion of Crucial Functions in B4xPage Project Creation

    I would like to propose an enhancement for the B4a development environment, specifically aimed at improving the process of creating new B4xpage projects. Currently, when initiating the creation of a new project, the environment automatically generates a series of files that serve as templates...
  10. K

    Android Question PreoptimizedCLV items scroll issue

    Hello everyone. Recently I have developed an Android app where users can post their food recipes and see others' recipes. All the data such as recipe name, recipe images, ingredients, preparation steps, etc are stored in a MySQL database of my shared hosting service. To show recipes as a list...
  11. Alain75

    Share My Creation UriViewer : a viewer for Uniform Resource Identifier

    Hi every body, As I worked on ContactsUtils library and enhanced it, I needed to see the contents of some URI like "content://com.android.contacts/data" or "content://com.android.contacts/groups" for instance. I developed a small application based on B4XPage for that : As I am not convinced...
  12. K

    Android Question Issue using B4XDialogs

    I'm facing an issue when using B4Xdialogs in B4Xpages. I've added B4XDialog in B4XPage and The B4XDialog is poping behind the view of B4Xpage elements/layout. I've attached a screenshot. This is the code I've used, dialog.Initialize(Root) dialog.PutAtTop=True Dim pnl as...
  13. D

    Android Question General question restarting an B4Xpages App

    Hi, Guys I have come across a question regarding restarting an App – in B4Xpages – which relates in both B4a and B4i. In my App there is a settings page which allows the user to select what controls are shown on each page. In most cases these pages are setup during their “pagename_Create()”...
  14. D

    Android Question b4X pages intercept the back button operation

    Hi, Guys I am using B4Xpages and have a problem with back button operation. I am not using the backbutton built into B4Xpages, its operation (going to the previous page) does not suit my app. However, the user can still press the backbutton on the phone (below the display) and it causes my App...
  15. M

    iOS Question [B4X] BLE 2 - Concept of "ID" different between iOS and Android...

    Hi everyone, I'm developing an app that uses the BLE, i'm using the last suggested way: this. However... i need to connect to a specific device knowing the MAC Address... I made the App for Android and everything works because when the sub "_DeviceFound" fires it returns something like: where...
  16. aeric

    Android Example [B4XPages] [BitmapCreator] Cross platform Falling Sand game

    Based on the original example: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-bitmapcreator-cross-platform-falling-sand-game.94276/ This is just a conversion from individual platform into B4XPages. I also uploaded to my github.
  17. P

    Android Question App user cannot change of button name ( B4XPage )

    Hello everyone! To do this, I use 2 objects: Button and EditText. In the Visual Designer, I set both of these objects in the same place in such a way that the Button is under EditText. In normal operation of the application, EditText is hidden (EditText.Visable = False) In the Button1_LongClick...
  18. magicmars

    Android Question [SOLVED] [B4X] [XUI] [B4XPAGES] SD AwesoneWheel with B4Xpages

    Hi I try to make this example and library work with B4XPage (B4A) s, but i get a white screen , loading the P4X page that contain the layout. https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-xui-sd-awesonewheel.95569/ Here's my B4XPage class instance : Sub Class_Globals Private Root As...
  19. toby

    Android Question Unable to bring a B4XPage app to foreground

    When my app is in the background, I use a timer to play a sound and bring the B4XMainPage to the foreground when certain conditions are met. The sound was played and B4XPage.ShowPage("MainPage") was called, but the page didn't appear and no log entry either. I tried put the timer first in...
  20. M

    Android Question [B4XPages][B4X] Barcode QrCode Reader not working

    Hi everyone i followed this tutorial https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-b4xpages-barcode-reader.120417/#content. I've two Android phone. 1. Honor 8A (Android 9) 2. Meizu 5c (Android 6) On the first everything works ok, on the second the detector for the codes is not creating...