
  1. R

    Android Question B4XPages.GetManager.mStackOfPageIds

    I understand that this returns an ordered B4XSet with the current stack of pages, but I wonder what exactly "current stack of pages" means. If a page is closed by pressing the Android < button then that page doesn't show in the above list, but it must exist in some form as I don't have to load...
  2. G

    Android Question B4xpages does not allow Customview

    In b4xmainpage the designer has Customview in light gray, I cannot add one. Pls help!
  3. E

    Android Question B4XPages and Scrollview

    I didn't find any topic or tutorial on how to use Scrollview with B4XPages on the forum. Could someone please help.
  4. universengo

    B4J Question Problem with menubar to load layout [B4Xpage Project]

    Hello experts! I'm a newbie, looking for some help. I use B4XPages Project to create an app with 1 main layout with menubar and sub-layouts corresponding to click menus. For each layout, I create a corresponding B4Xpage module class to easily name components and code commands. The problem is: 1)...
  5. R

    Android Question B4XPages and custom menubar

    Just started with B4XPages and added a simple custom menubar, not based on the built-in Android menubar, but based on layouts with panels, labels and buttons. As far as I understand most apps will access the built-in menubar in some form, but I may have this wrong. In my old, non-B4xPages app...
  6. DarkoT

    B4J Question TabPane - how to open B4xPage inside of TabPane

    Hi to all with all best wishes for 2023... I need suggestion how to open different pages inside of tabpane; each modul should create new "tab" wich has same controls (buttons, label names, ...). Any suggestion - how to open b4xpage inside of TabPane?
  7. R

    Android Question B4XPages and ResumableSub

    Just starting with B4XPages and noticed that ResumableSub is not behaving the same as in a non B4XPages project. In an activity based project I can run this from Main with no problem: Dim rs As ResumableSub = CSV2List(File.DirRootExternal & "/PhonePats", "menu_props2.csv", True, 44, 34...
  8. C

    Wish B4XPages under the hood

    Hello, This is a wish. When B4Xpages has become the universal way of programming, it became more difficult for me to use the examples in the forum, as they as sometimes based on the original b4j UI. I would like to learn more about how B4Xpages works "under the hood", to have a better...
  9. C

    B4J Question B4X GameViewHelper.AddKeyListener

    Hello, Based on the game example, it is possible to capture keypresses using : GameViewHelper.AddKeyListener("GVH", Main.MainForm) How can I use this in B4Xpages? What parameter do I need to pass to link my form? B4XPages.MainPage or Root doesn't work. The example of Erel...
  10. R

    Android Question How to make this menu with B4XPages

    Thinking about finally moving to B4XPages, but not sure what to do with the menu. I am using AppCompat and Droppy (DonManfred) for the overflow menu items: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/droppy-dropdown-menu.81918/ All my screens are based on a panel and showing those screens is done...
  11. J

    Android Question B4XPages without titlebar

    Is it possible to display the pages without the title bar?
  12. MarcRB

    Android Question Changing orientation causes B4Xpages go back to first page.

    I think it is normal behaviour, that at the moment the user rotates the phone, the first B4Xpage in pagestack will be shown. But is it possible to change that behaviour? At the first page there was a login and at second page a dashboard. The third page contains some fields and a editable...
  13. james_sgp

    Android Question Callsub2 from a service with B4xpages

    Hi, i`m stuck on figuring out how to call a Sub on my B4xmainpage from a running service (i`m running FCM)? Any advice would be appreciated... Thanks, James
  14. Lucas Siqueira

    iOS Question Error with xui.MsgboxAsync("text", "title") with B4XPages.ClosePage(Me), page does not close

    When I display a message with xui.MsgboxAsync("text", "title") and then immediately order to close the page with B4XPages.ClosePage(Me) , on Android it works correctly, but on IOS it does not close the page, and when I click a button that I created and has the command to close the page, nothing...
  15. DarkoT

    B4J Question B4xPages - get all pages in app

    Hi, it' here way how to get all pages from App - when I'm using B4xpages template? Idea is that user can SAVE position and dimension for all pages to "local/temp" folder. I need to get the name, current position and resized dimension for all pages included in my app... Thanks... Br, DaT
  16. max123

    Android Question Problems with B4XPages, UltimateWebView and SDK 31 (Android 12)

    Hi all, I've tried to convert my app to use B4XPages and SDK 31, but encountered some problems that I don't know how to solve. In past I had an old 32bit PC with Windows XP (I always compiled with SDK <= 29) and now my new 64bit PC with Windows 11 finally arrived. Because this is absolutely a...
  17. D

    Android Question b4xpages label view best practise

    Hi, Guys I was just wondering if the the label view is the best way to display text on a page for x-platform (i.e. Android - iOS) application. The reason why I am asking, I always use Label views for text and cast it to B4Xview of in both B4A and B4i applications and has worked well in the...
  18. D

    Android Question Passing a reference to an object

    Hi, Guys I am having a problem - I am using B4X pages and have setup an object to store information used by may classes and pages in my application. In the App this global object (with a public attribute) resides in the B4XMainPage, however when testing is can reside elsewhere. So I have...
  19. D

    Android Question B4Xpages how to load a panel saved by Designer

    Hi, Guys I have what appears to be a simple question - How to you load a panel (created and saved using Designer) onto a B4X page? I have tried the following code and it does not show the new panel. Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView) Log("B4XAddPlayer_Created") Root = Root1...
  20. M

    Android Question [B4X_Pages] Runtime Permission inside Classes (Wait For)

    Hi everyone, I'm moving part of my code done in a B4XPage into a Standard Class. In this code i've a Runtime Permission CheckAndRequest that requires the "Wait For" block Private Sub BeginBLEscan rp_ble.CheckAndRequest(rp_ble.PERMISSION_ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION) Wait For...