
  1. R

    Android Question B4XTable SQL1 - CreateDataView

    Noticed with B4XTable that you can delete rows of the underlying memory table but that there seems to be no way to make this show properly in the table display. So, although the deleted rows don't show any data there still are the same number of rows and also pages. In the provided example I...
  2. Sergio Medice Garcia

    Android Question [B4XTable] How can i make long click

    I created a B4XTable and the normal click is to open a msgbox2 with options, but i need the long click to open a panel with others options. How can i make this? Thanks for all
  3. R

    Android Question B4XTable How to add to library

    I am reviewing the article [B4X] B4XTable - Cross platform, sortable, searchable, customizable table How do I add the B4XTable to library and where to find?