
  1. Mashiane

    B4J Library [BANanoConnect] BANanoSQL+SQLite+MySQL+MSSQL Library

    Ola For a while I have been exploring backend connectivity using BANano for BANanoSQL, SQLite, MSSQL and MySQL. The purpose of this lib is for a one place for all your connectivity with these backends. This library as a couple of class utilities for connecting to BANAnoSQL, SQLite, MSSQL and...
  2. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANano] [SOLVED ]How can I access a globally defined BANanoSQL object accross my app?

    Hi there I've been trying to have a single BANanoSQL object defined on my app that I can use across the board. I open it in BANano_Ready and then am able to reference it across the classes and code modules. At the moment Im defining a banano object in each of the codemodules and have to open...
  3. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Creating Multi-Page Apps - Part 5

    Ola Download BANanoWebix Things Copy the 1.Libraries contents to your external b4j libraries folder. The project source code for this lesson is in BANanoWebixMultiPage Part 5 here closes this tutorial. This encompasses everything we have learned from Part 1 to Part 4 and some more. 1. We...
  4. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Creating Multi-Page Apps - Part 4

    Ola Download BANanoWebix Things The project source code is on the BANanoWebixMultiPage folder. Ensure to update the external libraries folder for b4j with contents of the 1. Libraries folder. Part 3 of our lesson looked at the addition of the grid and forms for both cities and positions of...
  5. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Creating Multi-Page Apps - Part 2

    Ola Part 1 of this lesson looked at how we could create the shell skeleton of our app i.e. the various pages of our app that will host the different sections we need to build. We created two pages, one for cities and one for positions. In this part we will use the Form Builder/Designer to...
  6. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] App Creation Process: The BackEnd with BANanoSQL

    Ola Part 1 This is part 2 of our App Creation Process. We focus on the backend to store our data. The first backend we will look at is BANanoSQL, then BANanoSQLite & BANanoMySQL. The last two use inline PHP methodology. In lesson 1 we created our UI, a form named 'form' with 4 textboxes named...
  7. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANanoSQL] [SOLVED] Deletes Error (alasql.loadTableData is not a function)

    Hi there Attached here is a smaller version of my app, that details the error I am experiencing. 1. Inserts - execute 10 inserts to a table - check 2. Updates - update the 'parentid' of all records - check 3. Deletes - dololo 4. Selects - selects all records from the db - check The records...
  8. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoWebix] Creating the Form Designer CRUD Backend BANanoSQL DB

    Ola The BANanoWebix FD (Form Designer) uses BANanoSQL as a backend db to temporary store form and element properties. The designer is created in such a way that the attributes stored in it are never permanent but just a gateway for one to design each form they need. One creates a new form by...
  9. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANanoSQL] Understanding CRUD logic with ExecuteCallBack

    Ola Some time ago, I wrote a piece here on... [BANano]: BANanoSQL CRUD-ing around with BANanoSQLUtils. That approach followed, SQLExecuteResult methodology of doing things, where there was a single method to rule them all, i.e. all the database functions are managed by one function. From...
  10. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANanoSQL] Possibility to run a batch of commands?

    Hi there Is it possible with BANanoSQL to execute and run a batch of commands? For example, we might have a list of commands to execute defined as a list and then BANanoSQL can execute the statements on the list one after another and one can detect which ones are complete using the list...
  11. Mashiane

    B4J Question [BANano] [SOLVED] Extending Event Driven BANanoSQL with own CallBacks?

    Hi there This is just a thought... The current implementation of the event driven BANanoSQL has a callback method for .Execute being Sub SQL_SQLExecuteResult(Tag As String, Result As List) If perhaps one could have an extra call e.g. .Execute1(qry,args,BANano.CallBack(DoThis)) , this being...
  12. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANano]: BANanoSQL CRUD-ing around with BANanoSQLUtils

    Hi UPDATE 2020-05-19: Please use this library instead Source Code Honestly I am not qualified enough to write this tutorial, but anyway, its a shot. I want to use this for one of my backends and will share some things I have learned so far. I could be wrong in some things and stand to be...