
  1. LusazDeveloper

    iOS Question Is it possible to hide the title bar of a single page in my B4XPages App?

    Hello! I'm creating a B4XPages app and though I'm focus on iOS. I wonder if is it possible to hide the title and the bar where the title appears of a single page ? I saw a solution in this forum but it works with all the pages and I would like to hide only the title bar of my login screen which...
  2. M

    Android Question How to change the text color in statusbar

    Hi everyone my app has a very light color as primary color and the text in the statusbar is not visible anymore because it is white. I wish to set it to dark in order to be readable This is my Manifest, i tried different combination of themes, but maybe i'm not doing the right thing...
  3. M

    iOS Code Snippet [B4X] Custom Color Picker Bar (BitmapCreator)

    Hi everyone I had the necessity to create a specific looking color picker. And I managed to get it working properly so I want to share it because it can be usefult to someone who have the same need. The color picker bar look like so: I realized it using all b4x elements, so it should be fully...
  4. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS Color Slider Advanced - a Snapchat like color picker

    Hey, i spend a lot of time in creating views, like this and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me and further views, then you can do it here by Paypal. :) Features cross-platform compatible set your own color palette as image slim and clean nice transition...
  5. M

    iOS Question presentModalViewController annoying small bar remains on the top

    Hi everyone, I followed this post in order to achieve that famous iOS bottom sheet layout. It worked but the annoying thing is that when I load the layout in it, the top part of the view remains empty, like if the Top=0 is Top=20. I attach a screenshot to make it more understandable (my...
  6. M

    iOS Question Make the status bar invisible AND the bottom bar (on iphoneX +)

    Hi everyone, it's possible to make the status bar transparent (in the screenshot is the white space at the top), anche make transparent the bottom part? This layout is simply a web view with a GIF, in the designer the Webview is set to cover all the area. This represent the splashsceen. Thanks!
  7. M

    Android Question Annoying Acitivity Title 😭

    Hi everyone, i'm coding an android app. I noticed that when the app launches (in debug and also in release) there is a moment where is possibile to see the default page with the ugly android titlebar with the app name (#ApplicationLabel: <name>) and blank activity, BEFORE the app actually...
  8. Alexander Stolte

    [B4X] [XUI] AS Tab Menu (Bottom Menu/Navigation)

    A better menu, can you find here Hey B4X-Forum! New Year, new views! :) The first one from me for this year is a better, simpler, faster and scalable Tab/Bottom-Menu. i spend a lot of time in creating views, some views i need by my self, but some views not and to create a high quality view...
  9. M

    iOS Question [SOLVED] SegmentedControl in Navigation Bar iOS 12 is invisible

    hi I followed this post , and all work fine. But when I tried the app on iOS 12.x the Segmented Control became invisibile, touchable, but no GUI. Just not visibile. Why it behave like so? I expected only to became blue (the old style). thanks!
  10. M

    iOS Question iTabStrip remove top bar

    Hi everyone, i started using B4i, so many things are different from B4A. In B4A i used TabStripViewPager , and I assume that the equivalent in B4i is iTabStrip. In b4a i only have a two pages tabstrip that can be scrolled to switch between the pages but without the navigation bar. How it's...