
  1. TnP

    iOS Question iPhone X not connecting to BLE devices?

    Hi All, I had a customer state that his iPhone X could not connect to our BLE data logger. I too have been able to confirm that it cannot connect on the X that I have borrowed. Loading the BLE Example app, I tell the phone to connect to a device and in the logs I get: Discovering Services Then...
  2. P

    Spanish B4A BLE con ESP32

    Hola, estoy empezando con el BLE y desearía saber si me podéis poner un ejemplo en que se envíen datos en las dos direcciones entre B4A y un ESP32. Muchas Gracias
  3. A

    Android Question How to rediscover services with BLE2 library

    Hi to everybody, I'm developing an android application that communicate with my own hardware board. I'm using the latest version of B4A and BLE2 library. The app have to connect to the board, which is configured with its GATT. Then it sends a reboot command to the board, which restarts with...
  4. Star-Dust

    B4A Library SD: BT Printer Bluetooth

    ANNOUNCEMENT Starting today, this library will be abandoned and will no longer be distributed. A new, more comprehensive Android library for ESC/POS thermal printers will be released. (BT, BLE, LAN, USB) (here) (No WRAP, No Java Only B4A) BT_Printer library allows you to print text and...