
  1. Mashiane

    BANanoVuetifyAD3 - The successful run of the Kitchen Sink Demo

    Hi Fam As you aware, the BVAD3 Repo is on Github and available freely, So I took a test run during my break with the latest version of BANano, and ran the KitchenSink Demo Source Code and wala, everything worked perfect. Things to note 1. The...
  2. Mashiane

    Share My Creation [BANanoJsPDFAD] The Ultimate Drag n Drop jsPDF Document Creation Engine

    Ola First of all, a great thanks to Alain for his brilliant BANano project, otherwise this feat would not even be close to possible. Above all else, Viva to Erel & B4X! A great thanks!! ? Anyway, You’re not obligated to win. You’re obligated to keep trying to do the best you can every day...
  3. Mashiane

    Share My Creation [BANanoVuetifyAD3] New Awesome Kitchen Sink WebApp

    Ola Welcome to the New Awesome Kitchen Sink for BVAD3. BVAD3 helps one to create WebApps/Webistes using Material Design based on BANano+Vuetify+B4X. All the components are custom view based and have events just like normal B4x programming. We have broken down each component to have its own...
  4. Mashiane

    B4J Tutorial [BANano] Walts B4xGoodies Explorer Using BVAD3 on Mobile Device

    Ola Fortunately one can access the b4xgoodies via a WebApp on their mobile devices. In this video below, we detail how one needs to: Steps to reproduce on your Mobile Device 1. Visit 2. Select the hamburger button and select Tools > Get...