
  1. Alexander Stolte

    Android Example [B4X] PocketBase - Deleting files Please read the official documentation about deleting files in pocketbase: There are several ways to delete files with the B4X-Pocketbase...
  2. Alexander Stolte

    Android Example [B4X] Supabase - Database CRUD This is a very simple tutorial on how to use the CRUD options. A more detailed tutorial is coming soon. CREATE Dim Insert As Supabase_DatabaseInsert = xSupabase.Database.InsertData Insert.From("dt_Tasks") Dim...
  3. K

    Android Question Delete tabs from TabStrip

    Hello everyone! I am building an Android App with B4X for a scanner. In the module, that I'm writing at this moment i want to present some pieces of info about the product scanned to the user. To do that i use TabStrip (because in some cases i need 2 pages for the info and because i like the...
  4. S

    B4J Library Build parametized SQL queries for Insert,Update and Delete

    This is a small class to easily build SQL queries declare an instance of the class clBuildSQL and initialize it Private fBuildSQL As clBuildSQL .... fBuildSQL.initialize Insert record Just pass as first parameter the table name and as second parameter a map with pairs keys/values...
  5. S

    B4A Class Build parametized SQL queries for Insert,Update and Delete

    This is a small class to easily build SQL queries declare an instance of the class clBuildSQL and initialize it Private fBuildSQL As clBuildSQL .... fBuildSQL.initialize Insert record Just pass as first parameter the table name and as second parameter a map with pairs keys/values...
  6. M

    iOS Question Firebase messaging token - detect app uninstall

    Hi everyone.. i've a big problem, i must know if a user has uninstalled the app. I use firebase messaging to send push notification using a token. There is a way to know if a user has deleted the app? I read that maybe using the fact that the firebase token became invalid after a while... but i...
  7. Mashiane

    B4J Library [BANanoSQLUtils] A BANanoSQL helper class for CRUD functionality

    Good day UPDATE 2020-05-19: Please use this library instead The attached class will help you in creating basic sql statements for CRUD functionality using BANanoSQL. We feature CREATE, UPDATE, UPDATE & DELETE statements, we also have added, creating a table. Whilst this class will work...
  8. N

    Android Question Files on dirinternal are not deleted after uninstall

    I have a database file located on dirinternal, on b4a 5.02 after uninstall, this file was always deleted but in b4a 8 this file remains in some devices, it is removed only when I clean app data. Is there something that I should do to remove this file on uninstall without change my app folder...
  9. A

    Android Question Problem with Api rest, Json, Put.

    Hello, I have a problem I need to send a json with the put method to an api. The json is: { "person" : { "User" : "Rodrigo", "Pass" : "xx123" }, "answers" : [ { "NmbItem" : "Item 1", "DscItem" : "Descripción del item 1", "QtyItem"...
  10. M

    Android Example Select,Upload,Display,Delete image from Server

    Hello everyone, First of all, I want thank Erel, DonManfred and KMatle because a lot of the codes for them. In this example (Select an image from gallery and display it, Resize the image, Save the image from Imageview to app's folder, Upload the image to the server, Display the image from the...