
  1. B

    Android Question Dropbox refresh code

    Hello, I have just managed to get my app to access my Dropbox folders, download a file, make changes and then upload that file. All working well. Came back a day later and found the token had expired. After some research I realize the short term token is for testing and only last 4 hours...
  2. A

    Android Question Save zip to dirInternal

    Hello, Does anybody know how to save a file from dropbox link to specified folder like dirInternal? Thanks in advance.
  3. Android Tutorial Dropbox SDK - get informed about changes in the used Dropbox

    Related Libraries: B4A Dropbox SDK V2 B4J Dropbox SDK V2 You need to know/remember the dropboxId of the account you are actually using/requesting. And the latest cursor. Use dbxUsers.CurrentAccount to get the current Account. Sub dbxUsers_getCurrentAccount(account As FullAccount)...
  4. J

    Android Question Download File From Link

    Hi all. I'm having trouble downloading a file from a link (Google Drive and Dropbox shareable link) from my app. Code says Success but the file downloaded is corrupted and unusable. This is with OKHttpUtils2 j.Initialize("job", Me) j.Download(modMain.shareableLinkGD) 'or...
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