
  1. Claude Obiri Amadu

    B4J Library [B4X] BroadcastBuddy B4X Lib - Simplified Messaging and Notifications

    Hello B4X Community, We’re thrilled to introduce the BroadcastBuddy B4X SDK, a powerful library that integrates with the BroadcastBuddy API to streamline messaging, notifications, and other communication features for your applications. What is BroadcastBuddy? BroadcastBuddy is a unified...
  2. Dave O

    Android Code Snippet Getting the user's email address on a device

    I just spent two days trying to puzzle out how to get some user details (first name and email) from the device, so that I don't have to ask them to enter it (and possibly enter the wrong account's email or mistype it). There are several old forum posts about this, but they're tedious to wade...
  3. DaOel

    Android Question Email Function - Based on Erels OAuth Mechanism fails in bigger app

    Hello, I downloaded the project in erel's tutorial here: Everything works nicely. But once I try to implement it in my bigger own project the following problem happens: My App opens the webview and...
  4. K

    Share My Creation EchoEmail - Email Marketing App

    This is my first B4J app developed using B4J, SQLite, PHP & MySQL. Hope you like it, Demo Video If anyone wishes to try it, just PM
  5. A

    Android Question Sending an email

    As the application runs, I send an email. email.To.Add(emailAddress) email.Subject = "Program crashed" email.Body = sBody StartActivity(email.GetIntent) I need to wait for the email sending process to complete before my application can continue. How can I tell if an email has already been...
  6. J

    Spanish Enviar Email con SMTP

    Hola a todos Soy nuevo en B4A, Por lo pronto no tengo nada desarrollado, simplemente estoy haciendo pruebas con diferentes códigos y estoy probando cosas, es por eso que no tengo código para subir. La idea es desarrollar una app, para el negocio donde trabajo, para que los clientes puedan...
  7. Oscarin

    Android Question Is ther a way to send automatic emails?

    Hi, I saw this but when I click the email button it ask me to choose an app to send the email, is there a way to send the email internally without asking for an app to send the email? Thanks for any help.
  8. Claude Obiri Amadu

    B4A Library PHPMailer

    PHPMailer( is a code library to send emails safely and easily via PHP code from a web server. This B4A Library is to allow sending of Emails in B4A Apps with online PHP servers. The PHP code on your server("https://[host]/mailer/index.php") will be where...
  9. rleiman

    Android Question Net Library - Using SMTP to send an email message.

    Greetings, I'm experimenting with the Net library in an attempt to send an email message using SMTP with gmail as the email server. The message is not being sent. My logs show a "False" coming from the "Success" event. No errors are reported from the Try / Catch statement in the coding...
  10. rleiman

    Android Question [SOLVED] Automatically sending an email from B4A

    Greetings, I have been calling the phone's email like this. Dim msg As Email msg.Subject = "Song Requests" msg.Body = EditTextRequestedSongs.Text msg.To.Add("") StartActivity(msg.GetIntent) Is there a way in B4A to send the email from the app without actually...
  11. cklester

    B4J Question [RESOLVED] Sending Email via SMTP--Where are the docs?

    Where are the docs for sending email with SMTP using the jNet library? It looks like there's some instruction in the jNet.xml file, but it seems I'm supposed to be able to conveniently read that somewhere other than Notepad.
  12. james_sgp

    Android Question Email verification link getting corrupted

    Hi, I`m doing a user registration in an SQL database through PHP. It works perfectly, but I`m sending a verification link with B4A and the url is getting corrupted for some reason...
  13. Gustsp

    Spanish Enviar email a travez de la aplicacion gmail del telefono [SOLUCIONADO]

    Buenas a todos Estoy necesitando, saber como enviar email, desde mi aplicación a travez de la app de gmail (o alguna otra de gestion de email predeterminada que tenga instalada en el movil). Para que al enviar email, si no esta conectado a internet, pueda quedar en bandeja de salida. Si...
  14. Vinians2006

    Android Question Send an email is starting sharing option

    Hello friends, I am using Email object to send an email but when the users clicks on the button it opens the shareing and the user need to select a lot of options. I want to start gmail directly, any solution to that ? See the code: If Not (G.Registrado) Then Private emlMsg As Email...
  15. Dave O

    Android Question sending emails silently/automatically?

    Hi all, I'm designing a "note to self" app that lets you record a voice note and email it as a voice attachment, preferably without invoking the UI for the email app. To send using the user's GMail, there's the GMail REST API...
  16. uniplan

    Android Question Firebase facebook authorization changed? No photo profile and no email

    Hi, normally i use facebook firebase auth login, but from two days i don't receive the email and photo user profile, but only DisplayName and Uid ... I see in the facebook developer that we send our app for verify to preserve those authentication functions: user_friends user_link user_gender...
  17. Richard O'Sullivan

    Android Question Create email when not connected without using intent

    Hi all, I have an app that collects data on a tablet - no phone. It will be used mainly without Wifi access except for short periods when back at base. I would ideally like to transmit the data to a server at that time. I've tried to create emails but they go nowhere when not in Wifi...
  18. DonManfred

    B4A Library Firebase UI Auth - a new Dimension in Authentication

    This is a Wrap for the Firebase UI-bindings found at Github. It offers Authentification using - Google-Account (Tested) - email and password authentification (Tested) - Telephone-Authentification (Tested) - Twitter (Not tested as i do not have a Twitter-Dev Account) - Facebook (Not tested as i...