Android Code Snippet Getting the user's email address on a device

I just spent two days trying to puzzle out how to get some user details (first name and email) from the device, so that I don't have to ask them to enter it (and possibly enter the wrong account's email or mistype it).

There are several old forum posts about this, but they're tedious to wade through and cross-reference, so I thought my solution (a mash-up of existing ones) might be easier to grab here in a single snippet.

I wanted the first name of the user and their account's email address, so I could use them in my app for sharing data between devices. I hoped that I could just ask Android for this (for the current user) so it would save them some typing (and mis-typing).

There are several ways to do this, but after lots of experimenting, I found that:
  • Using ContentResolver gave me the full name but not a reliable email address (often nothing).
    • Devices before Android 6 needed a manifest permission (android.permission.READ_CONTACTS), which might spook some users as a dangerous permission. Silent after that.
    • Devices with Android 6+ needed the same as a runtime permission, a bit less spooky because you can tell them what you need it for just beforehand. Silent after that.
  • Using AccountManager.getAccountsByType got me the email address, but not the name, and only worked on devices before Android 8.
    • Devices before Android 6 needed a manifest permission (android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS), which might spook some users as a dangerous permission. Silent after that.
    • Devices with Android 6-7 needed the same as a runtime permission, a bit less spooky because you can tell them what you need it for just beforehand. Silent after that.
  • Using AccountManager.newChooseAccountIntent got me the email address, but not the name, and works on Android 6+.
    • No permission needed (yay!), but pops up an account picker each time.
The email address is the main thing I wanted, so I decided to give up on the first name and just use the second and third methods.

Here's a code excerpt that should get you most of the way there:

sub getAccountEmail
    If sdkVersion < 23 Then                                '< Android 6 - permission already granted in manifest file
        userEmail = getAccountsForOlderDevices.Get(0)
    else If sdkVersion < 26 Then                           'Android 6-7 - need runtime permission
    Else                                                   '>= Android 8 - use account picker (no permission needed)
    End If
end sub

'for devices less than Android 8, return a list of account email addresses. (newer devices get an empty list)
Sub getAccountsForOlderDevices As List
    Dim wAccounts As List
    If sdkVersion < 26 Then
        Dim r As Reflector
        r.Target = r.RunStaticMethod("android.accounts.AccountManager", "get", Array As Object(r.GetContext), Array As String("android.content.Context"))
        Dim accounts() As Object
        accounts = r.RunMethod2("getAccountsByType", "", "java.lang.String")
        For i = 0 To accounts.Length - 1
            r.Target = accounts(i)
            wAccounts.Add(r.GetField("name"))   'actually email address
        LogColor("getAccounts: empty list for Android 8+", Colors.Yellow)
    End If
    Return wAccounts           
End Sub

'check/request permission, then get their email from their Google account on this device
Sub warnAboutGetAccountPermission
    MsgboxAsync("This app needs your permission to get your account's email for sharing.", "Heads up!")
    wait for Msgbox_Result(result As Int)
End Sub

Sub askAndGetAccountInfo
    wait for Activity_PermissionResult(Permission As String, result As Boolean)
    If result = True Then
        userEmail = getAccountsForOlderDevices.Get(0)
        MsgboxAsync("Sorry, can't continue without your account details", "No sharing")
    End If
End Sub

'ask the user to pick their Google account, then get their name and email from their Google account on this device
Sub warnAboutPickingAccount
    MsgboxAsync("Please pick your current account so the app can get your email address.", "Heads up!")
    wait for Msgbox_Result(result As Int)
End Sub

Sub pickAccountToGetEmail
    Dim jo As JavaObject
    StartActivityForResult(jo.RunMethod("newChooseAccountIntent", Array(Null, Null, Array As String(""), Null, Null, Null, Null)))
    Wait For ion_Event(MethodName As String, Args() As Object)
    If -1 = Args(0) Then     'resultCode = RESULT_OK
        Dim i As Intent = Args(1)
        userEmail = i.GetExtra("authAccount")    'email address of account
        userEmail = ""
        MsgboxAsync("Sorry, could not get your account details", "Error")
    End If
End Sub

Sub StartActivityForResult(i As Intent)
    Dim jo As JavaObject = GetBA
    ion = jo.CreateEvent("anywheresoftware.b4a.IOnActivityResult", "ion", Null)
    jo.RunMethod("startActivityForResult", Array As Object(ion, i))
End Sub

Sub GetBA As Object
    Dim jo As JavaObject
    Dim cls As String = Me
    cls = cls.SubString("class ".Length)
    Return jo.GetField("processBA")
End Sub

There's a bit of additional jiggerypokery to handle the activity being paused and resumed, but this is the main bit. Seems to work well on my range of test devices from Android 5 to 12.

Hope this helps!
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