
  1. rtek1000

    Android Question App 'Service Browser' finds the IP of ESP8266, how to do this with b4a?

    The Arduino IDE can find the IP address of the ESP8266 (mDNS:arduino) when it is programmed with OTA, but we also have ESP-LINK software, which allows the ESP8266 to work in transparent (TCP / IP-Serial) mode allowing reprogramming of microcontrollers like Atmega328 (Arduino UNO / Nano / Pro...
  2. E


    I have running a timer every second for making a stopwatch. Three variables sec, minute and hour are taken. Sec is incremented with every timer tick and minute is incremented when sec value reaches 60. Everything is working fine. Now I want to broadcast the value of time in 00:00:00...
  3. mare1980k1

    Android Question Constantly disconnecting from ESP8266 WiFi

    I can connect to my ESP8266 just fine. But quite often after just a few seconds (2,3,4,5 seconds), it randomly disconnects. Sometimes it takes a bit longer to disconnect randomly, after a minute or so. And it does so on LG Nexus 5X. On the other phone the app is working just fine and can...
  4. A

    Share My Creation [B4X] Server Room Environment solution using Wemos / ESP8266

    A client asked us to research environment monitoring options for their server room. The servers themselves have that built-in but they needed something for the room in general. The following is a proof-of-concept (POC) that I came up with using several of the B4X tools to fulfill their...
  5. L

    B4R Question esp8266 Wifi Timeout

    Hi, I have an esp 8266 (Wemos mini) and I'm connect on wifi with wifi.connect2(ssid,pass). Sometimes, the board can't connect to the wifi and my sub stop and wait the response. But on my DHCP Server, I see the board and the server send a ip address. 2 questions : - Why the board wait even the...
  6. johnf2013

    Android Question WiFi configuration

    I have an app which consists of an Android device that processes real time data sent in large packets to it by an esp8266 over wifi. The app also send a few simple commands to the esp from time to time. This all works very well. It has been easy to get the wifi working in various forms using the...
  7. M

    B4R Question Connecting two Arduinos via WiFi

    Hi everybody, I'm trying to connect two Arduinos devices (1 NodeMCU ESP 12E + 1 ESPDuino) making use of a dedicated WiFi Network. I programmed the Espduino in "AccessPoint mode" to act as a "server" listening on Port "12345", by the following code: And I made use of this additional code on...
  8. M

    B4R Question Issues with the ESP8266 FileSystem

    Hi, I'm new to the platform so I apologize upfront in case this turns out to be a stupid question. I have an ESP01 (ESP8266) module and I want to store some data that will survive restarts of the ESP01. If I understood well, one of the options to achieve this is to use the ESP8266 file system...
  9. Chris160179

    B4R Question Connect the ESP8266 to an Accesspoint with an specific MAC address

    Hello everybody, is there a way to connect the ESP8266 to an specific Mac address of Accesspoint. I have 3 Accesspoints, every Accesspoint has his own MAC address but the same SSID. The ESP8266 connects somtimes to the wrong Accesspoint not really in range. Thank you
  10. Chris160179

    B4R Question Set an dynamicaly IP address as static IP with Inline C# for ESP8266

    Hello everybody, i would like to pass an IP address direct to the Inline C# "Void SetIP Sub" Is there a way? This code works. RunNative( "SetIP" , Null ) #if C void SetIP(B4R::Object* o) { IPAddress ip(192, 168, 10, 101); IPAddress gateway(192, 168, 1, 1); IPAddress subnet(255...
  11. H

    Spanish control de un led en nodemcu con B4A

    necito controlar un led por medio de botones en una aplicacion de android el cual esta conectado a una red si alguien tiene un ejemplo similar