
  1. B4A Class App localization with Google Translator (Updated!)

    Name: TD_Localize Version: 2.6 updated 2024/04/21 Language: B4A Licence: Royalty Free to use for private and commercial projects for licenced B4X Members. Others please ask for licence. The attached example project includes the File TD_Localize.bas. Using this code module in your project it...
  2. B4J Library [B4X] lmB4XTableExt

    B4XLib library that adds useful functionalities to B4XTable. Please, see: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-lmb4xtableext.158817/
  3. B4A Library [B4X] lmB4XTableExt

    B4XLib library that adds useful functionalities to B4XTable. Currently for B4A and B4J. Note that this library is NOT my custom version of the official and original B4XTable View, it does not replace it. It can be used together with the B4XTable View to add functionalities to the B4XTable View...
  4. F

    Android Question Read Rows from a Excel File

    Hello guys, hope you are doing well! I have been trying to extract some values of a Excel, everything just works fine but im having some issues with the reading of this values. Sub CC_Result (Success As Boolean, Dir As String, FileName As String) Dim suC As StringUtils...
  5. Android Question CellStyle in the aPOI library

    I am creating a new Excel workbook with the aPOI library and I don't see a way to modify the style of a cell. Could someone clarify it for me? A small example would be very useful. Thanks
  6. W

    B4J Code Snippet Improving the speed of reading multiple sheets from an Excel workbook with jPOI5/XLUtils

    Especially noticeable when reading from a not-very-small workbook, even if it just contains multiple sheets with some tens of thousands of rows. Slow method that opens the workbook multiple times (and, I guess, reads it/interprets its XML completely each time to load it into memory): Dim...
  7. Excel (VBA) is not dead !

    I invite Basic lovers to read the last post on my blog.. Please feel free to share your thoughts. You can easily translate page to your language by using the translate widget on the left..
  8. B4J Question [B4J] aprile file excel

    Esiste un modo per aprile un file presente in una cartella del PC ? Ho trovato qualcosa con "shell" ma non trovo un esempio pratico. Grazie in anticipo
  9. W

    B4J Code Snippet [XLUtils] [jPOI5] Detect/unhide hidden rows and columns in a worksheet

    Dim i As Int Dim theSheet As PoiSheet = ... Dim joTheSheet As JavaObject = theSheet Dim theSheetWriter As XLSheetWriter = ... Dim theSheetLastRow1 As Int = theSheet.LastRowNumber + 1 ' One-based index of the last row in the sheet Dim theSheetLastCol0 As Int = theSheet.GetRow(0).Cells.Size - 1 '...
  10. B4J Question [XLUtils] How to create MS Excel documents?

    Hi, I found this library, very useful, but I couldn't find how to create the file. There is a post related to how to create Word documents: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/xlutils-creating-ms-word-documents.131732/ Lib...
  11. B

    B4J Question Suggestions about importing a .tsv file into Excel

    Hi, I'd like to convert a VBScript app that I wrote, which imports a tab-delimited file into Excel, and performs all sorts of formatting functions. I used the B4J Excel library - forgot what it was called - sometime back. No problem with that. My question is how should I approach the...
  12. M

    B4J Question XLUtil - working with Ranges on multiple sheets

    I have a spreadsheet with 21 sheets in it. I need to read each sheet. Each sheet has 6 columns of data. Each sheets data can have different number of rows, some have 19 rows, some 20 and some 21 rows. To read each sheets data, I would assume creating a Sheet Range on each sheet. Excel allows...
  13. B4J Question xlutils > Can I print excel file ??

    hi with XLutils how print Excel file After creat ??? is it possible ??
  14. B4J Question Get display value via jPOI respecting locale

    I'm using this snippet to format an date cell to a real date: ub PoiGetFormattedCellValue(ExcelCell As PoiCell) As String Dim JOCell As JavaObject = ExcelCell Dim JODataFormatter As JavaObject Dim JOConditionalFormattingEvaluator As JavaObject Dim JOFormulaEvaluator As...
  15. Android Question GetCell Value of 2nd Column below 1st Column and so on in Excel - Urgent Help Requested

    Help from respected developers needed I need this GetCell Value of 2nd Column below 1st Column and so on in Excel as explained in attached file
  16. B4J Library [BANanoOXML] Client Side Excel Report Generation

    Yippie!! In case you need something like this one day, so here is my BANano implementation of it for y'all. With this one is able to CREATE Excel workbooks with multiple sheets. One is able to also set styles e.g. bold, italic, forecolor, add borders. Once generated, the workbook is...
  17. B4J Tutorial jPOI Library - Automatic column width.

    I was trying to get to grips with setting the column width in my Excel table. According to the help I tried: number of characters x 256, but all my columns dissappeared! Setting a value of 2560 gives a width in Excel of 9.29 or 70 Pixels, enough for 9 characters. 2560/9.29=275 which I...
  18. B4J Question Java Error when exporting to Excel

    Could someone decipher this java log? My project works fine in debug mode, but when I put into release mode and package it up as an exe file with B4JPackager11 and click my 'Export data to Excel' button, it blows up. If this log isn't definitive enough, I'll build a simple project that...
  19. Share My Creation Number Cruncher and Statistical Package Integrator

    The principle behind this app is that "time is money". I have worked most of my life as a research scientist and consultant, and I can say that I have wasted a huge amount of time ($) because of poor software and data management tools. It is not so much that the tools don't work, they do...
  20. B4J Library [B4X] [XUI] SD FlexGrid (Table)

    I created a new library to show a table (or grid) similar to the one in EXCEL. There are already excellent classes that allow many to accomplish things, such as xCustomListView by @Erel (B4X) and with the FlexibleTable by @klaus (B4A). I wanted to make something slightly different suited to...
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