
  1. Shivito1

    Android Question Exoplayer GestureDetector

    My issue is Exoplayer menu options no longer pop up when I tap the player. This happens when I added the following to the SimpleExoplayerView1. GD.SetOnGestureListener(SimpleExoPlayerView1, "Gesture") I need a way to tell ExoPlayer to show the menu.
  2. shb777

    Android Question ExoPlayer problem

    I'm writing a program to play video files with Exoplayer. I want them to play full screen. But the only way I can stop the video playing, is to have a button named stop, that does it. But i don't want any button visible when I'm playing the video. I tried using the back navigate button, but it's...
  3. Lucas Eduardo

    Android Question Exoplayer HTTPS

    How can i play https video in exoplayer? Because when i try to play in VLC PC, for example, It ask me to accept the certificate. Is there a way to do this in exoplayer? I get the following error Error: com.google.android.exoplayer2.upstream.HttpDataSource$HttpDataSourceException: Unable to...
  4. Lucas Eduardo

    Android Question Hide User Agent ExoPlayer

    Hello community, I'm having a problem with FIDDLER, the program that intercept our data base. When i play a video in exo player, my USER AGENT will show in FIDDLER program. Is there a way to hide my USER AGENT?
  5. rleiman

    Android Question ExoPlayer setting the volume level

    Nice library but it needs a more detailed tutorial. I tried to set the volume like this: exoPlayer.Volume(.5) but I get an error telling me it expects an array. I have not used arrays yet so I found this example: Creates a single dimension array of the specified type. The syntax is: Array...