facebook authentication

  1. virpalacios

    Android Question Facebook SDK Issue with B4A 13.00 (SOLVED) - The SDK has not been initialized, make sure to call FacebookSdk.sdkInitialize() first

    Hi All, Good (Morning,AfterNoon or Night) ?, I have been trying the New B4A 13 in a test environment before putting it in production, so my first compilation is the Sample Auth for Google and Facebook, I updated the Facebook Library to 2.01, so it compiled fine, but after it started I got this...
  2. Angel Garcia

    Android Question Facebook 1.03 Compiling error

    Hello all, I tried to update the Facebook authentication library from 1.02 to 1.03, but i'm having this compiling error: facebook.Initialize2(\ src\com\stylist\ieapplications\main.java:1093: error: cannot find symbol _facebook.Initialize2(processBA,"fb"); ^ symbol: method...
  3. Marcos Alves

    Android Question Firebase Facebook Authentication - B4i events uniformization

    Hello all, Using Facebook library to authenticate in B4i I noticed that, when an authentication error occurred, the library was receiving the error event but wasn't triggering it in B4i which turned impossible to manage error conditions. @Erel updated B4i Facebook library in this post ...
  4. Brandsum

    Android Tutorial Facebook login no event raised fix

    Hi, If your Facebook and firebase configurations are all ok but the auth event is not raising or if you are getting An account already exists with the same email address but different sign-in credentials. Sign in using a provider associated with this email address. error message then this...
  5. DaniDPX

    Android Question Facebook "Continue as {Name}' Login button

    Hello team B4X, can anyone help me with this... I want to get the logged user on Facebook and retrieve his/her name in my app.
  6. LucaMs

    Wish Facebook login - Avatar

    The library (https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/facebook-extends-firebaseauth-to-support-facebook.67954/#content) currently does not allow you to access the user's avatar, if I understood correctly: