
  1. A

    Android Question App or a library it uses tried to start a foreground service without declaring a service type

    Hi all. I have the app that uses FCM and it works fine, I updated the Firebase settings to enable V1, and followed all the other items in Erel's manual. I can push the messages from my ASP.NET code and receive them on all my devices (Android 10,11,14). I'm using SDK 34, added permissions into...
  2. sizzler

    Android Question new Firebase Method

    Hello friends I used Google Firebase in my projects And according to the previous procedure, from the Firebase panel and section Cloud Messaging API (Legacy) I received the api key and use that , But now this method is obsolete and we have to use Firebase Cloud Messaging API (V1) but this method...
  3. FrostCodes

    Other [B4X] Send Firebase Push Notifications with Node Js (2024)

    Many people have been asking how to send Firebase notifications using Node.js so I decided to create this example for sending notifications to B4A or B4I apps using Node.js: Features - Uses the latest Firebase Cloud Messaging (v1) API. - Works with both B4A and B4I. - Well-documented. -...
  4. mcqueccu

    iOS Question Firebase Sending tool needs update to support Firebase Cloud Messaging V1

    I integrated firebase push in my application, and one thing I noticed is the LEGACY Cloud messaging has been disabled, and it's recommended to use the Firebase Cloud Messaging API V1. The new FCM API v1 token is shorter than the older web API key (which is now disabled by default) When using...
  5. mmieher

    Android Question B4J auth.Any and the FCM Registration Token

    I am trying to write a simple B4J desktop program to manage sending Firebase notifications to the devices using my App. Everything seems to be working on the B4A receive-end thanks to your help. However, I am having much difficulty getting the correct FCM Registration Token. The token...
  6. KMatle

    Android Example Firebasemessaging (FCM): Receive messages in doze/sleep mode

    Issue: Device doesn't receive FCM messages while in sleep/doze mode Important to know: Google uses 2 different api's with different keywords So: https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send = legacy mode https://fcm.googleapis.com/v1/projects/myproject-b5ae1/messages:send =v1 More info's: FCM...
  7. A

    Android Question Firebase Cloud Messaging Push Notifications

    Hi all. My question is - does it have any limitation for a number of characters? Like SMS for example? Thanks
  8. Ohanian

    iOS Question Problem with FCM Push and iOS 13

    Hello, We're developing an app for a customer, he needs push capability so we use FCM, in the development phase we've checked sending and receiving push and everything was fine, but after publishing app on the app store it seems some of the devices are unable to receive push message, even our...
  9. jimich

    B4J Question fcm not push through b4j

    Hi to all! I can receive notification (in b4a) through firebase notification console but I can't receive when it send through b4j. Here's my code: 'libraries: 'jCore(Version:6.00) 'jOkHttpUtils2_NONUI (Version 2.62) 'Json (Version 1.10) 'OkHttp (Version 1.20) 'Non-UI application (console /...
  10. Seneca

    Spanish FirebaseNotifications. ¿Es posible consultar a Firebase a qué temas se está subscrito?

    Hola. Un dispositivo puede subscribirse a uno o varios temas de FirebaseNotifications. Al respecto me surgen dos dudas. La primera es si existe algún método por el cual un usuario puede consultar desde la App a qué temas está subscrito. La segunda es: Desde el panel de administración de...
  11. QtechLab

    B4J Question FCMPush Authentication issue

    Hi, I would like to send notification to specific device with the B4J server. I have the Firebase token of the destination device. I'm in trouble with Firebase authentication. This is the code, FCMPush with little variation: 'Non-UI application (console / server application) #Region Project...