
  1. R

    Android Question Measuring BBCodeView paragraph (full text) height

    Having a problem with this on a phone that has access.GetUserFontScale (Accessibility) set to a higher value (in this case 1.5). The measured height is too large and multiplying that by 1 / access.GetUserFontScale makes it smaller but the value is still too high. This is the code I have to...
  2. M

    Android Question Transparent StatusBar and NavigationBar Using B4XPages

    Hi everyone, i wish to achive this type of result where the content of my app can be displayed on all the screen (so statusbar and navigation bar are transparent). I already took a look at this post but trying it on my phone i noticed that the offset sizing is not dynamic, but is fixed on...
  3. epiCode

    B4A Library [B4X] LineUtils v1.2 - get required height for multiline TextView/label with variable line spacing

    LineUtils Version: 1.2 Based on code by Erel for StringUtils function MeasureMultilineTextHeight StringUtils function calculates the height for multiplier value 1 only. With this function you can calculate height with variable line spacing. LineUtils Methods: getMultilineHeight...
  4. M

    iOS Question Height with "SetLayoutAnimated" will not be animated

    Hi i found out that if i set an Height using setlayoutanimated to increase, it works.. but if i want to decrease, that will not be animated. This is the function that i call when i click on a panel (where inside there is the green label) Sub CheckCibo(parent As B4XView, Index As Int) Dim p...
  5. palpedrinha

    iOS Question B4XDialog / B4XDialoSignatureTemplate change Size Width+Height

    Hi All, I'm using the B4XDialog and B4XDialoSignatureTemplate with iphone and everything is ok. Now I'm moving some APPs to work with iPad and I got a problem! Well ... is not really a problem like a bug or a crash. It's a visual problem! The iPad screen is bigger than an iPhone screen and...
  6. Scotter

    Android Question Programmatically set bottom edge distance of a Panel?

    Hi - I see height is available but I've anchored to top and bottom in designer. So I'd like to be able to change Bottom Edge Distance programmatically. If not possible, and I have 7 variants, how do I calculate Height? In case it helps, why am I doing this? That Panel is a parent to a Tab Strip...