Hi i found out that if i set an Height using setlayoutanimated to increase, it works..
but if i want to decrease, that will not be animated.
This is the function that i call when i click on a panel (where inside there is the green label)
but if i want to decrease, that will not be animated.
This is the function that i call when i click on a panel (where inside there is the green label)
Sub CheckCibo(parent As B4XView, Index As Int)
Dim p As Panel = parent.GetView(Index)
Dim l As Label = p.GetView(1)
If l.Top = 0 Then ' Deselect - It means that the label is filling the whole panel
l.SetLayoutAnimated(5000, 1, 0, l.Tag, l.Width, p.Height - l.Tag) 'so, i want to bring it back to its normal state (in l.tag is stored the normal .Top value) - THIS NOT WORKS
Else ' Select
l.SetLayoutAnimated(5000, 1, 0, 0, l.Width, p.Height) 'else I want to fill the whole panel with the label - THIS WORKS PROPERLY
End If
End Sub