
  1. D

    iOS Question Webp ios

    Hello, how can i download a webp image by HttpJob and add it to a bitmap?
  2. M

    iOS Question Document Scanner

    Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to implement a document scanner in iOS with the camera. Something like Office Lens app Thanks!!
  3. M

    iOS Question Read and write mifare tag

    Hi everyone, it’s possibile with b4i ti read mifare tag? I found out this on Apple: thanks if someone would answer.
  4. M

    iOS Question [SOLVED] GeoFence and closed app

    Hi everyone. I was wondering if it's possibile to set up a geofence that when you enter (or exit), triggers an event catchable with the app closed. (like Apple "Find My" app, that can send a notification to you when a friend leave/arrive a place). I'm not knowledge about this things , so I'm...
  5. M

    iOS Question Haptic Touch

    I didn’t see this argument on the forum. There is a way to implement Haptic Touch with b4i? Thanks for sharing your knowledge in advance
  6. David Meier

    iOS Question [iWidget] Show content from Webservice in widget

    Hi First of all, thx very much to JanPro for the iWidget Tool. It's fantastic. I tried out the example and it worked smoothely. There is one thing now, that does not work in my personal widget. And that's downloading content from an API and displaying it in the widget. Can anybody help here (I...
  7. M

    Bug? B4i IDE Method missing in IntelliSense

    I noticed that for Page element are missing the method "_Click" and "_Resize(Width, Height)" that exists.
  8. M

    iOS Question [SOLVED] TouchID / FaceID Objective C error

    Hi, i'm trying to change this objective C code: #If OBJC #import <LocalAuthentication/LocalAuthentication.h> -(void)TouchID :(NSObject*)handler :(NSString*)subnameok :(NSString*)subnamefail :(NSString*)reason { LAContext *myContext = [[LAContext alloc] init]; NSError *authError = nil; NSString...
  9. sentechnologies

    iOS Question Publishing to AppStore

    I'm new to ios development, i request anyone to provide step by step procedure how to create necessary certificate , identifiers, devices, profiles after developer account activated. and also i want to know where and how to use those certificate, profiles in b4i project (local mac...
  10. M

    iOS Question FaceID

    It is possibile to use faceid as internal authentication method with b4i?
  11. D

    iOS Question Add outline to text

    How can I add an outline to the label text? I found the answer in swift:
  12. walterf25

    iOS Question iOS Capabilities (Associated Domain, Near Field Communication Tag Reading)

    Hi, i'm working on an NFC library based on the latest released iOS 13, i've been having some issues with reading regular NFC tags, i have followed apple's documentations to the letter but haven't been able to get the library work. I added all the expected keys and values to the info.plist and...
  13. janderkan

    iOS Question How to programmatically connect to a WiFi network given the SSID and password

    I found this thread but I cannot figure out how to use the information.
  14. Devv

    Convert B4A App to B4I

    Hello i have a small webview app made with B4A, we want to convert it to B4I the application views a website with webview and receive notifications with firebase there is also 2 small activities all code is simple clean and quoted with explanations libraries used attached modules used...
  15. ermales

    iOS Question error Local Mac Builder Installing B4i-Bridge

    I am using a local mac and I get the following error when I want to compile in B4i-Bridge on a real device I followed the steps 1 2...
  16. D

    iOS Question Firebase has stopped working.

    Hi Guys I have a iOS app which receives Firebase messages and in the last month it has stopped working. This is what I have tried. 1. I am using the latest version of B4i (v5.80) 2. The Android version of the App is still working ok. 3. Using the post...
  17. J

    iOS Question Connect Bluetooth Keyoard iOS

    How do I get the key pressed from a bluetooth keyboard connected to a iOS device in B4i?
  18. S

    iOS Question Building Swift B4i Libraries

    Hi Erel I am wanting to integrate Googles ML Kit into an application on both Android and iOS. I have managed to do this on Android using Eclipse to build the wrapper library and integrate it into B4A application that works as excepted. I am now trying to do the same thing for B4i application...
  19. D

    iOS Question App not responding to socket messages while in background

    Hi all, I have an app which uses sockets (from the iNetwork library) to communicate with another device over WiFi. Some of the messages received from the other device can cause local notifications to be raised on the iPhone running the app, or the app to send responses back to the other device...
  20. DoctorDebug

    iOS Question (Solved) Download Last Build does something.... but what?

    I have an ios app, compiles and run fine in IDE and bridge, then compiles and installs fine (again via bridge) when selecting "Build Release App". But then clicking on "Download Last Build" does nothing - no error, no file, nothing. Using Hosted Builder. Thanks Add: Running B4I 5.3 on Windows 10