This is my shopping list after various installations on Raspberry:
The Runtime for B4J applications for Raspberry differ in the processor version
If ARM version 7 Use Bellsoft-Jdk11.0.23+12-Linux-Arm32-VFP-HFLT-Full.deb
If Arm 64 Bit Use Bellsoft-Jdk11.0.23+10-LINUX-ARCH64-FULL.DEB
To check...
Hello everyone.
I need to sign communications with Ed25519 in B4A. Despite not finding much information in the forums, I came across a library in that implements functions for key generation and signing. I attempted to make it work using the...
¡Hola a todos!
Recientemente adquirí un equipo que cuenta con un sensor láser incorporado para medir distancias. Sin embargo, la aplicación preinstalada en el dispositivo es bastante básica y no aprovecha todo el potencial del sensor. Estoy muy interesado en desarrollar una aplicación...
Hello everybody.
I have a b4j 64bit application working with no issues. I want to make a build for 32bit Windows.
If i just use the jar file with 32bit java8 from Oracle, I get the following error message:
Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread" Exception in thread "main"...
As shared in multiple places in this forum Java 11 OpenJDK does not allow to run jar files directly. (here)
Here is an easy workaround...
1. Run cmd with administrator privilege.
2. Type the following two commands:
ftype JARFile="c:\java\bin\javaw.exe" -jar --module-path c:\java\javafx\lib...
So, I have built a jar file named PrintPageReportWrapper.jar that I can execute from a command line with java -jar PrintPageReportWrapper.jar. Unfortunately, I have never had to go beyond this point in my java development other than deploying the jar file to desktop computers.
I am now trying...
I'm trying to create a small library to do a wrap of the class. Where is the jar file I need to reference to include these androidx libraries? It doesn't appear to be included in the default android jar, and I cant find it anywhere in the android-sdk folder. Do I need...
hi all,
I'm writing a library For the best IDE in the world (B4A):)
And i want to use jar file into my eclipse project.
I add like these pictures
But when I output the library, the jar file is not added to my library output. And i should add my jar like this code
What should I do...
I am completely out from the Apple/Mac world so excuse me if I will write silly or non exact things.
How to run a JAR, created with B4J, on a Mac?
I tried searching the forum for a solution to this but I came out unsuccessfull.
Take into account that I have only a PC.
Mac will not execute such a...
Hola a todos.
Como mi computador estaba molestado lo borré, formatee e instale todo de nuevo.
Para instalar b4J descargue jdk-11.0.1 ( y lo descomprimí en C:\jdk-11.0.1\
Luego ejecute el instalador de B4J y configure las rutas. La ruta de...
Based on Erel's tutorial here:
I made this program mainly to view and kill Jar processes that are hidden (non - UI)
Of course, the TableView shows both UI and non UI Jar processes.
Note that you might...
Hello all,
I need help using a third-party library with B4a.
They provided me a minimal library to certify if I could use it with B4a.
The sample library should return the uppercase of a string
I declared it in the project with...
#AdditionalJar: string_converter
then I called up the...
Ciao Ragazzi,
immagino che per voi sia un gioco da ragazzi ma io sono nuovo...
ho creato un piccolo esempio con B4J e tutto va bene, ma se dovessi eseguire il programma su un altro PC dove non è installato B4J come posso fare?
ho provato ad eseguire il file result.jar che viene generato da...
Hello, I want to use the felUsbSerial jar lib in my project. I couldn't find the way to add it to the IDE.
how do I do it? just add the lib to my editor and project...
i have a old project where i had a Main.jar file that i can run at pc.
my new project start the app from within the ide but there is no executable .jar file output???
i used D:\Java\jdk-9.0.4\bin\javac.exe in ide config
and me updated to current B4J 6.30
My B4J app runs on Windows 7. I try to install Ubuntu Linux 18.04 Desktop 64bit on VirtualBox and see whether my app runs on it. The jar is compiled using B4J version 6.01. I install Java JRE and OpenJFX.
java -version
openjdk version "10.0.1" 2018-04-17
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build...
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