
  1. Michael2150

    Android Question Keep JPEG Exif meta data

    Hi I have an image coming in from the camera using the MediaChooser. I am trying to compress the image, but when I do it loses all the exif data. This messes up the rotation on some devices etc. I am using Smm to display the images, the images are displayed perfectly before trying to compress...
  2. walterf25

    B4J Question SVG to PNG ABMaterial

    Hi everyone, I am trying to figure out if there's a way to save an svg object to an image either png or jpg format, I am using the customobject on this thread which is basically a barcode object, I have the need to convert this svg object to an image, I have been exploring the ABMCanvas object...
  3. Cainsoft

    iOS Question B4i PDF creation ?

    Hi everyone, Is there any possibility to create PDF file from JPG images merged together ? One page equals one image. I searched the forum but only found Android examples. Thanks in advance.
  4. Pendrush

    B4J Library jMagicImage - Read exif and metadata data, convert, compress image, also some basic image filters

    Original libarary: jMagicImage is a B4j (wrapper) library for image processing. It can support many formats of images in Java programs and provide common functions to make adjustments to the image. After you finish adjusting your images, you can export...
  5. Pendrush

    B4A Library Convert/Compress Image - WebP, JPG, PNG

    Convert/Compress Image between different formats WebP, JPG, PNG.
  6. M

    B4R Tutorial ESP32 Camera Picture Capture and Video Streaming! (Updated with code!)

    Hello! Last December I made a request for support for the ESP32 Camera support. Well, I finally found the time to work on it myself and here's my initial attempt at implementing this with B4R. I'm using an ESP32CAM camera board with 4GB of PSRAM (like extended memory for the camera). I'm...
  7. OliverA

    Android Code Snippet [B4X][XUI] Image to JPEG byte array with resize/quality options

    Originally posted a B4J/inline Java version of this in the B4J Code Snippets ( @Erel pointed out though that the XUI library had the functionality that I was doing with Java, so I decided to...
  8. OliverA

    B4J Code Snippet Image to JPEG byte array with resize/quality options

    Due to @Erel's comment below, I've rewritten this in pure B4X basic. The new version should work with B4A, B4J and B4i. New version (that should be used) can be found here ' Converts...