
  1. AKJammer

    B4J Question SMTP2GO for sending email

    Does anyone have any experience with sending email through SMTP2GO? I'm learning to use JSON at the same time as trying to get an email feature added to an application. Stripped down, this is what I've got now. Sub sendSMTPx (pid As Int, msgType As String, fname As String, toEmail As...
  2. alwaysbusy

    Other [B4X][BANano][CLASS] JSONPath: create, read and modify JSON files using a path syntax

    I always loved the function @wonder had written to read JSON files using a path structure: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/json-getobjfrompath.85539/#content It truly is navigating JSON trees like a boss and we use his method extensively in almost all our projects. But I always...
  3. walterf25

    B4J Question Can bjl layout files be opened with intellij

    Is there a way to open our B4J bjl layout files in any other software such as IntelliJ or Eclipse? I know there's a tool in the forums that converts the bjl files to Json, but Not sure if we can convert them to .fxml files? Walter
  4. walterf25

    B4J Question HELP (plotting temperature profile chart)

    Hi Everyone, I'm working on a small project using ABMaterial and the frappe charts library found here, so far everything seems to be working fine for me. What I am doing is connecting to a Temperature Chamber through Ethernet and reading the temperature profiles already stored in the Temp...
  5. M

    Android Question [B4X] Cast Map to Custom Type

    Hi everyone I was wondering if it possibile to cast a Map object to a Custom type object that has the same fields. At the moment I'm doing with a function that manually get all the fields from the map. Thanks in advance
  6. Luciano Veneziano

    Android Question JWT for B4A

    Hello everyone. Is there for B4A a library to decode JWT like in image?
  7. M

    Android Question Sort json

    How can I sort the following JSON based on the 'amount' in ascending order? I need a function that takes the JSON, sorts it, and returns the sorted JSON as output...
  8. stevel05

    B4J Library JSON Formatter and validator

    I am working on an app that needs to be able to manipulate JSON strings. They are stored in a compact format then prettified for display and editing. The main problem I have found is that if the json is invalid, it can't be prettified with the existing JSON lib. I found this project on github...
  9. fernando1987

    B4A Library ✨ Magic API Library: Build a Powerful Server-Side REST API with MySQL and File Management in Just 5 Minutes! 🚀

    ⚡️ Unleash the API Power: Magic API for Seamless B4X Integration ? Greetings, B4X enthusiasts! Today, I'm thrilled to unveil the magic behind our latest creation—the Magic API. Elevate your B4X applications with streamlined API integration, simplifying CRUD operations effortlessly. From...
  10. X

    B4J Question Why are the generated JSON sorted with Json librarys

    I try to parse this XML file and generate JSON. Why is the data order of the generated JSON file different from that of the original XML? Instead, it is sorted the same. Why can't we generate JSON files in the same order as the original data. I am not good at communicating with others in...
  11. S

    Android Question How to fill B4Xcombobox from JSON data (JSON to ARRAY) ?

    Hello, I'm trying to get a JSON data to a dropdown B4Xcombobox, but not succeeding. I also tried to change the maptoarray via a sub found on the forum. Created the json parser via the online tool. JSON is simple like...
  12. P

    B4A-JSON app tutorial using B4A, JSON, MySQL and PHP.

    Are you up for another challenge? Try this tutorial. Maybe you like the end result. This is how it will look like: You will find some interesting links to other study material in this tutorial. And of course here is the link: B4A-JSON Happy coding! Paul.
  13. Mashiane

    [BANanoVuetifyAD3] Server Side Rendering (Almost)

    Hi there Yesterday I got meself thinking, what if I could ensure SSR (Server Side Rendering) be possible in the BVAD3 apps.? Server-side rendering (SSR) is an application’s ability to convert HTML files on the server into a fully rendered HTML page for the client. The web browser submits a...
  14. D

    Android Question Problem decoding JSON with array

    Hi All Having a bit of a mare with decoding a json dataset Dim json As JSONParser Dim text As String '= j.GetString text = $"[{ "errors": "OK,203", "LegOtherID": "100321888", "ExtraTypeID": "19233"...
  15. C

    Android Question does not load the banner!

    Hi everyone, I hope you can help me. I don't know how to fix! I created an admob account, I connected Firebase. App added (currently on Playstore). downloaded the google-services.json file and saved in the app folder created advertising bunner. Later tried to insert id admob test. modified...
  16. A

    B4J Question losing character when using File.WriteString

    I need to save a json file to read after. but when it save de file, it lose two essential character. This is the part of the file that i send: "key": "value<br><font size = \"1\">value</font>", And this is what it goes to the file: "key": "value<br><font size = "1">value</font>", It loses...
  17. Pxs

    B4J Question Send FCM group notification to both Android and IOS

    Hello I've been using a B4J program to send FCM notifications to Android clients. We're now adding IOS support. Problem is, a notification formatted for android does not show on IOS ( lacks the additional json info) and viceversa (android does not like the additional fields) For now, we...
  18. W

    Android Question sqlite "no such function" runtime error

    Dear all, I have successfully done following queries in DB Browser for SQLite: INSERT INTO tblUser (name, phone) values("oz", json('{"cell":"+491765", "home":"+498973"}')); SELECT json_set(tblUser.phone, '$.cell', '123') FROM tblUser; SELECT tblUser.name From tblUser WHERE...
  19. cklester

    B4J Question Unavoidable Spaces In JSON from API Upsetting the JSONParser

    I'm getting some JSON from a website, and they apparently don't properly terminate their strings. It's causing this error: Looks like the spaces in the string values are causing issues. How can I properly parse that string into JSON, since I have no control over what I receive from the API?
  20. Abdull Cadre

    Share My Creation [Free] Weather App

    Building a Weather App One of my recent projects required me to build a weather app that would work with an API of my choice. This was my first introduction to working with a weather API, so I knew there was going to be a steep learning curve, but I was excited about the chance to finally get...