
  1. nima66

    B4J Question Disable form resizing by dragging corners

    Is it possible to keep the maximize button enabled but prevent the user from resizing the form by dragging the corners? I want the form to have only two states. In the default state, it should be the size I want. For example 500*800 If you select the maximize button, the form will be full...
  2. D

    Bug? IDE maximize problem

    Hi, Guys I appear to have a problem with IDE when using it with a dual screen setup. When I maximum the IDE (by clicking the top right icon) it maximizes OK but a small portion bleeds onto the other screen. I have also seen it on previous versions of B4i IDE (and B4A) and all my other...
  3. D

    Bug? IDE maximize problem

    Hi, Guys I appear to have a problem with IDE when using it with a dual screen setup. When I maximum the IDE (by clicking the top right icon) it maximizes OK but a small portion bleeds onto the other screen. I have also seen it on previous versions of B4A IDE (and B4i) and all my other...
  4. rtek1000

    B4J Tutorial Maximize, minimize, restore and full screen (programmatically)

    Based on this post and in other internet searches: (Attached sample project) #Region Project Attributes #MainFormWidth: 600 #MainFormHeight: 600 #End Region Sub Process_Globals Private fx As JFX Private MainForm As Form Private xui As XUI Private Button1 As B4XView...