
  1. B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] XQ XPandPanel

    An expandable panel with a titlebar (xq-titlebar), than can host any other view, inside the panel. It can have up to 5 icons in the right corner, one icon in the left corner and the title is auto-adjustable. The panel can also be animated while expanding/collapsing. Features: Up to 5 icons on...
  2. B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] XQ TitleBar

    A simple view, that is used as a Title/Action Bar, with icons and adjustable title. Features: Up to 5 icons on the right side Left/Burger icon (visible or not) Change background and text color Each element (burger, title, icons) has each own click event Title label adjusts its width, depending...
  3. B4J Question Several panels. Sequence order.

    I have one parent panel. In the code I add a few more panels to it. Dim pnlback As Pane Dim pnl_temp(8) As Pane For i = 0 To 7 pnl_temp(i).Initialize("") CSSUtils.SetBackgroundColor(pnl_temp(i),fx.Colors.Gray)...
  4. Italian B4A: Come centrare ImgView dentro panel?

    Ciao Nel designer ho cercato in tutte le combinazioni possibili con anchor ma niente le ImageView sono sempre spostate o a destra o a sinistra rispetto al panel o alla schermata telefono. Quando si tratta di label o button che hanno al massimo 2 view, non ho problemi ma in questo caso le...
  5. Looking for a developer B4A

    I need to modify this attached project in B4A : It displays sliding panels with labels on each. The work I ask is for start : - I would like to add an image button on each panel instead of the label. - And if pressed I need each button to open a new panel. If you can do this, send me your...
  6. H

    B4J Question pane drop shadow

    how can i make a drop shadow for a panel in B4J? i want out-shadow ( not inner )
  7. B4A Library [B4X] AS FloatingPanel

    This is a simple panel that can be attached anywhere and opens with an animation. More usecases and updates to come ;) I spend a lot of time in creating views, like this and to create a high quality view cost a lot of time. If you want to support me and further views, then you can do it here by...
  8. D

    Android Question B4Xpages how to load a panel saved by Designer

    Hi, Guys I have what appears to be a simple question - How to you load a panel (created and saved using Designer) onto a B4X page? I have tried the following code and it does not show the new panel. Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView) Log("B4XAddPlayer_Created") Root = Root1...
  9. Android Question B4XDrawer Panel allows click/touch to pass through

    B4XDrawer panel allows all touch / click event to pass to elements below it unless it is on an element in the panel. Although I avoid modification in a class directly, to avoid issues when upgrading, I tried capturing LeftPanel_Click and LeftPanel_touch sub in B4XDrawer but it does not fire...
  10. M

    Android Question Click event of a panel not working

    Hi everyone, I have a Panel with insisde a Scrollview that fills the panel. I wish to handle the Click event of the panel, but it is not working, nothing happen when i click something where the scrollview is present. like if the the scrollview is acting as a shield between me and the panel. How...
  11. Android Question Add a shadow for the panel

    I can somehow add a shadow for the panel with the following parameters: box-shadow: 0px 4px 8px rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.1); border-radius: 10px;
  12. M

    Android Question Get Touch Event of a Label

    Hi everyone, i was wondering, there is a way to retrive the _Touch event from a label? Thanks in advance
  13. Android Question Panel.LoadLayout Error

    Whish you a happy christmas, I am developing a customcontrol. I like to use a panel and load a layout build with the designer into it and than add the panel to the base of the custom control: mprops = Props Panel.Width = mBase.Width:Panel.Height=mBase.height...
  14. Italian Problemi con Panel

    Salve a tutti, questo è il mio primo thread, spero quindi di porre correttamente il problema che riscontro. Nella creazione/composizione di un'Activity quando aggiungo più di x Panel il layout non si comporta più in modo corretto. Vi allego qui due immagini e un esempio di codice. Se qualcuno...
  15. B

    B4J Question Detect only Pane node in the form

    I need a metod to detect only the Pane node present in the in the form Actually i use the following metod: I have a form with 4 pane, all are not visible unless i select the one i want to use in the menubar. Each Pane tag are set "pnl" + pane name, tha's the same item name use in the menubar...
  16. M

    Android Question Add a Colored Shadow (or Glow) to a panel

    Hi everyone, i looked in the forum already. Maybe with the new updates now it's possible. How can i achieve a glow/colored shadow effect? Like this: Thanks in advance
  17. Android Question Should not Activity.RemoveViewAt() "de-initialize" a view ?

    I found it more convenient to switch layouts by hiding and showing panels, which support all the views. That way, display is instant between layouts. Before displaying a layout, I test if the panel has been intialized, and if not, then I add the layout to activity. That worked just fine, until...
  18. M

    iOS Question Transparent panel Glitches

    hi everyone, I'm designing an app. Some can explain me why sometimes, with panels that have a part of transparent, this happens? A black box around them (sometime even light green) Thanks! this is not the only item affected, other panels in my design sometimes shows this glitch too
  19. Android Question Aligns items side by side within the CLV

    I am using erel's CLV example. however I wanted to display it side by side in the CLV. I've already tried to reduce the panel by 48% x, but the next item doesn't go to the side and stays down. Sorry for my English.
  20. Android Question Is a list able to keep panels properties ?

    Hello eveyone. Technical question about "what can a list do ?" Is a list able to store panels like this : list.add(panel(i)) if yes, are all the properties of each panel stored in the list enabled or not ? I ask this to know if I can call any panel with it all properties in my code from the...
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