An expandable panel with a titlebar (xq-titlebar), than can host any other view, inside the panel. It can have up to 5 icons in the right corner, one icon in the left corner and the title is auto-adjustable. The panel can also be animated while expanding/collapsing.
View: xq_xpandpanel
Author: xqtr
Version: 1.00
Depends: XUI
- Up to 5 icons on the right side
- Left/Burger icon (visible or not)
- Change background and text color
- Each element (panel, burger, title, icons) has each own click event
- Title label adjusts its width, depending the icons visible
- Can adjust icon spacing/padding
- All default sizes are compatible with the Material Design
- Can be animated while collapsing/expanding
- Collapse/Expand events
View: xq_xpandpanel
Author: xqtr
Version: 1.00
Depends: XUI
- Fields
- Background As Int
- ShowBurgerIcon As Boolean
- IconSpacing As Int
- IconPadding As Int
- IconSize As Int
- IconCount As Int
- Icons(5) As B4XView*
- TitleLabel As B4XView*
- BurgerIcon As B4XView*
- ShowBurgerIcon As Boolean
- isCollapsed As Boolean
- TitleBarHeight As Int
- PanelHeight As Int
- Radius As Int
- Elevation As Int
- Animated As Boolean
- Duration As Int 'Animation Duration in ms
- Events
- IconClick(Index As Int)
- TitleClick
- BurgerClick
- Collapse
- Expand
- PanelClick
- Functions
- Refresh 'Applies changes like color/size
- Redraw 'Complete redraw of view, used when changing icon count
- Clear 'Resets the view
- AddIcon 'Adds an icon in the right size
- GetPanel 'Returns the collapsible panel
- Expand
- Collapse
- v1.00// 2024-03-31
- Initial Release