
  1. Alexander Stolte

    Android Tutorial [B4X] PocketBase - How to reach api via smartphone on the same network when hosted locally

    https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/b4x-pocketbase-open-source-backend-in-1-file.165213/#content If you develop with B4J with Pocketbase, then you simply enter the localhost address ( and reach the pocketbase api. xPocketbase.Initialize("") 'Localhost...
  2. M

    B4J Question Strange issue with serial port

    Hi everyone , i have a a program that connect with a scales weight, i have no problem doing the conexion, the problem is when the scale is off, but conected , the serial recognize the port but when i try to connect with it and send the comand to obtain the weight i have to posible respons: 1.-...