
  1. B

    Android Question Question regarding scrollview height ( + project attached )

    Hi, I try to create scrollview(A), then I load layout, and inside that I create : B. another layout C. panel inside that layout D. then, listview Question : 1. how to make the scrollview (A) & panel that hold listview (B) have dynamic height based on listview (D) height content ? 2. In...
  2. Scotter

    Android Question Need scrolling panel

    Hi - I see the "scrollview" view. My issue: It appears you can't set this up in the designer to hold other views. I see after a search that it can be done programmatically. However, I really need the ability to set it up in the designer. Should I give up or is there a custom component available...
  3. Kevin Hartin

    Android Question Text from SQLite into Label being truncated

    This is my first question, so please bear with me. I am reading a field from SQLite to populate a Label inside a ScrollView that sits on a tab in a TabStrip. It all seems to be working fine, but it seems that the very long text strings are being truncated. For example, one string in the DB is...
  4. K

    Android Question Scrollview inside Scrollview

    Although B4i works nicely with a ScrollView inside a Scrollview, B4A does not. Is there a way to make it happen for Android? I have a large Scrollview for the bulk of the screen, then inside that large Scrollview I have some labels and two smaller Scrollviews. Each of the smaller Scrollviews...
  5. Duque

    Spanish Quitar sombra de scroll

    Hola amigos, ¿ es posible ocultar la sombra del scroll sea vertical u horizontal ? verán tengo unas opciones dentro de un control scroll horizontal... sin la sombra estoy seguro que se vería mejor, como lograr esto con b4a Help :confused:
  6. universengo

    Android Question Auto Scale Scrollview Error

    Hello Everyone! I'm a newbie B4A. Please help me. I Create a lay out with two labels and one Scrollview. Two labels have the same height (40dip). I set one at the top and the last one at the bottom. The scrollview is middle of two labels. I use script general code as below: 'All variants script...
  7. S

    Android Question scrollview does not scroll

    Hi I am trying to create a menu including 6 labels and 6 images which the total height of these 6 labels are more than the screen's height so i'd like to have a scrolling view starting from the 20%y, so i have used "scrollview" but the problem is after adding the views to the scrollview and...
  8. JohnC

    Android Question Tabstrip + Scrollview + Keyboard = Height?

    I am using a Tabstrip and a few of the tab's pages have edittext controls on them. So, I am forced to use a scrollview on each tabstrip page that has a edittext on it to make sure they can be visible when the keyboard is shown. So, then I am forced to use IME to detect when the keyboard...