
  1. Android Example [B4X] Supabase - Column Alias You can use column aliases in Supabase. All you need to do is write the alias name, a colon and then the column name. 'AliasName:ColumnName Query.Columns("Name:Tasks_Name") Dim Query As...
  2. Android Example [B4X] Supabase - Database Joins In the following example I make a join into the "public.users" table and need the column "username" from it. Dim Query As Supabase_DatabaseSelect = xSupabase.Database.SelectData...
  3. B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] SD ProductPicker

    SD_ProductPicker Author: Star-Dust Version: 1.07 DiskImagePicker Events: BallClicked (Index As Int) BallLongClicked (Index As Int) ChangeIndex (Index As Int) CloveClicked (Index As Int) Functions: Class_Globals As String DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As...
  4. W

    B4J Library [Class] [B4J] [SQLite] wmSQLiteSelectBuilder - a more or less graphical builder for SQLite SELECT statements

    As I don't use SQLite (or any other SQL) all the time and am no database expert, it's always a bit of a challenge to get the SELECT syntax right, specifically when relationships between tables (JOINs) come into play. There's that, and the fact that it was fun to develop (and I wanted to have the...
  5. C

    B4J Question [BANanoVuetifyAD3] Why do Select and Textfields get a white field with a grey boarders ?

    Hi, I try to add select and textfields in Visual/Abstract Designer and I get a white field which is not present in the Kitchen Sink demo, see picture: I can not see anything that differs in the generated html code between mine and the Kitchen Sink Demo. I do not want the white field with the...
  6. B4J Library [B4X] [B4XLib] SD SwitchAdv (3 states)

    Switch with 2 or 3 states. Horizontal or vertical. You can choose the style. All selectable from Design Note: Even if it is a B4XLib library, it is not allowed to decompress it, read and / or modify the sources. It is also not allowed to rename the library. Unless you are explicitly authorized...
  7. Android Example [B4X] SELECT - don't waste tags

    [A simple suggestion, not addressed to "experts"] I am almost certain that some members, having to identify which view triggered an event, use the tags. For example: You have a kind of menu, which is composed of 3 ImageViews: Dim ivPictures As ImageView Dim ivTexts As ImageView Dim ivOther...
  8. Wish TableView - select cells with mouse

  9. Spanish Error con file reader/select

    Hola chicos del foro, tengo un problema con mi codigo, lo que quiero hacer es que el programa lea un archivo de .txt y este seccionarlos en distintas variables, el problema es que al momento de correr el programa pasa esto El codigo es: Sub Process_Globals 'These global variables will be...
  10. Wish [Not to be read ^__^ ] Nested Select blocks

    Nested Select blocks do not work. I think a warning or an error message at compilation time would be useful.
  11. P

    B4J Question How to get some information from multiple selected object in tableview?

    I made a tableview and I stored numbers in each cells as object when I clicked some cell, I got number(object info) of each cells by using below method Sub TableView1_SelectedCellChanged (RowIndex As Int, ColIndex As Int, Cell As Object) Log(Cell) End Sub Then, I am trying to get...
  12. Share My Creation B4A Checkbox List Pop-up UI Class

    hello, today i made a class to pop up a list selection with checkboxes (in a scrollview) from a key value map inside a activity. after ok click the map is updated. note: i think a better solution is using a extra activity and jump into with CallSubDelay2 and then jump back where it comes from...
  13. Android Question SQLite SELECT ... LIKE ... UPPER() {SOLVED}

    Hi. I have a database in SQLite format and I need to do a partial search with a certain text. I would like to know what is the correct way to do it, since I have tried LIKE '%text%' but apparently does not yield results. Also, I used the UPPER (text) function to simplify the search. Dim DLG as...
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