If you have worked on an app that has a service that needs to be running all the time, you must have gone through the delightful experience of different phones killing your background service in different ways, despite taking all the corrective measures. I get negative reviews routinely on Play...
Hi everyone i didn't understand why after two minutes that my app is in background in logs appears this:
** Activity (chat) Pause, UserClosed = false **
** Service (starter) Destroy (ignored)**
** Service (httputils2service) Destroy **
** Service (connectivtymanager) Destroy **
** Service...
Hi everyone, i'm taking a look to @Erel example on Geofence
I'm trying to change it in order to implement it as foreground service, in this way TEORICALLY the OS can't kill my process...
Hi everyone, i'm coding an app for quite a whille (before the update), and i quitted beacuse the SO kill my foreground process while the app is in background, so after an random period of time it stop working.
I wish to know if there is a way with the new update to prevent the OS to kill my...
I have a php web server that happily sends Firebase Push Notifications when a new record is created for a particular customer. These appear when the Android app has been started manually, allowing clients to know when there is something demanding their attention, as the clicking of the...
I need an Android Studio Service written (actually just converted) to do a very simple task.
I have an Android Demo App (written in Java in Android Studio by the supplier) to demonstrate that their bitmap converter library we bought actually works. The library is there and it does work in App...
I am using SQLITE with B4A. I am using the database in multiple activities. I have created a service to contain my database object. StartAtBoot is set to True.
#Region Service Attributes
#StartAtBoot: True
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be...
Hi everyone,
I have the question as described in the subject.
I have this code in manifest:
AddReceiverText(sBT, <intent-filter>
<action android:name="android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_CONNECTED"/>
<action android:name="android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED"/>
Hola gente. Espero que las fiestas de navidad y fin de año estuvieran de película.
Quisiera pedir ayuda y preguntarles si alguno ha enfrentado problemas que se le destruya una de las librerías y el resto del código sigue funcionado. ¿Como lo han resulto?
My app has a service which has StartAtBoot=True. It used to be a sticky service, but since the app now targets API Level 26, it uses Service.AutomaticForegroundMode = Service.AUTOMATIC_FOREGROUND_ALWAYS instead.
The service has a persistent notification icon. The problem is whenever a user...
Good day dear programmers. (I use Google as a translator, so do not swear strongly) Briefly, there is an oreo and you need a service that will check a certain URL every 20 seconds and cause a certain action. But the current code does not work much time, oreo kills it. What not so please tell me...
Is it possible to send small SMS messages in the background without the application having focus, and the phone, not being switched on (i.e. running, but in standby)
Thanks, Colin
Hola a todos.
Deseo crear un servicio que cada 'n' segundos se conecte con un servidor y solicite información para saber si hay pedidos.
Ya leí los tutoriales de estos links:
Intent Filters - Intercepting SMS messages in the background...
Hii, I make background service app which show notification but it work in some device and not work in some devices.
Its work in Xiaomi MI A1 and not work in Redmi note 4.
I aslo use region service attributes == #StartAtBoot: True
As far as I can tell, there are three different reasons a service was started:
Manually started using StartService
Scheduled start using StartServiceAt or StartServiceAtExact
Automatically started at boot using #StartAtBoot
I recently found myself needing to know why a service was started, so...
Hola a todos.
Estoy tratando de ejecutar una aplicacion cada cierto tiempo. Desafortanadamente no sé que hice el código fuente de dicha aplicación, lo que me impide agregarle un 'servicio'. Por lo que he creado un servicio, para llamar a dicha aplicacion cada 5 minutos.
El código que estoy...
שאלתי לא מזמן בפורום הכללי של אנדרויד איך אפשר להשתמש במנוע דיבור בשפה העברית, וענו לי שאני צריך להתקין ולהגדיר כברירת מחדל בטלפון שלי מנוע דיבור שתומך בשפה
התקנתי כמה אפליקציות בטלפון שלי שמשתמשות בדיבור (לדוגמא הקראת הודעות) בעברית, למרות שבהגדרות הטלפון שלי מנוע הדיבור המכוון...
Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to get my head around scheduling services to wake up then make it sleep. Can you look at my code because this simple app gets stuck in a loop waking up over and over again as soon as it is woken up using SetExactAndAllowWhileIdle. This indicates I'm missing some coding...
I'm converting my project to B4A 8 and I have this issue:
I'm running a service, other than Starter, that gets started from the Main activity upon user action.
In the start sub, I set an icon and put it in foreground
Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)
'more code
Dim n As...
I have added exoplayer to service and i have added file with activity to it. The problem is when i close the app , both service and app closes but what i want to do is keep the service running (im building a notification player) and make sound resume playing.
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