
  1. F

    Android Question Socket type not found

    Hello, I declare : dim Socket1 as Socket. But Socket type not found , and show missing library? What have to do? Help please. I'am new B4A user. Regards
  2. giofram

    Android Question B4X: cross-platform and socket managing features

    Dear B4Xers, we need to create cross-platform UI; we need to work with sockets in the background also. A typical example of our hypothetical application is an app where a disabled person "explores" an ever-changing UI that is dynamically generated to learn how to use different types of controls...
  3. P

    B4J Question How to Get status of server continuously

    I Made a UI which send Text message from server to client and client to server but when i close server client should be disconnected but it did't. How to do that ? server.b4j #Region Project Attributes #MainFormWidth: 300 #MainFormHeight: 400 #End Region Sub Process_Globals...
  4. P

    B4J Question How to send Text messages after connection

    I want to send text message from client to server and server to client.I know about AsyncStreams but i don't know how to implement . Can anyone tell me how to send text messages from client to server ? Server code 'Non-UI application (console / server application) #Region Project Attributes...
  5. S

    B4J Question How to connect client and server using Socket in same pc

    I have Posted My code.I successfully initialize server but I can't connect sever to Client.Can anyone please tell me what is wrong in my code ? Can i connect client and server in the same pc ? Server Code #Region Project Attributes #MainFormWidth: 600 #MainFormHeight: 600 #End Region...