
  1. LucaMs

    Android Question [solved] WSS - Trust anchor for certification path not found.

    I have a b4j websocket server certainly reachable from outside my network (I mean that I don't have problems with ports, firewalls, ...). I created the keystore as decribed in this tutorial (more precisely as described in wiki.eclipse... linked in that tutorial) and I get that error message...
  2. avalle

    B4J Question Configuring TLS/SSL ciphers for Jetty web server

    I'm running a web server written in B4J using the Jetty service. I have configured it for HTTPS access, so I've run test to check the quality of the TLS protocol. The TLS certificate looks good, but the server rates as "B" quality due to a couple of things: This server...
  3. Alexander Stolte

    Android Question jRDC2 Trust anchor for certification path not found

    Hello, I successfully implemented SSL on the jRDC2, with a trusted certificate, in the browser it works. But if i want to connect from my App to the RDC, then comes this 2 Errors: ERROR9000: Trust anchor for...
  4. Lucas Eduardo

    Android Question SSL Error Android 5.1 or bottom

    Hello, i'm new in forum, i'm having a problem with SSL. When i try to login in my app i recive this error only with android 5.1 or bottom. Trust anchor for certification path not found. If i change the...
  5. Alexander Stolte

    B4J Question SSL no valid keystore

    Hello, i follow these steps. Erel was linking to a page to create a keystore file, i follow these steps and have create an keystore. Now if i call this function: Private Sub ConfigureSSL (SslPort As Int) 'example of SSL connector configuration Dim ssl As SslConfiguration...
  6. Alexander Stolte

    B4J Question jRDC2 and SSL is this code right?

    Hello, i am currently in the process of providing my VPS with SSL and I wanted to ask if the code in jRDC2 + SSL is correct or if I need to change something. This is the normal jRDC2 code + the function for SSL Sub Process_Globals Public srvr As Server Public rdcConnector1 As...
  7. monic

    B4A Library SSLPins

    SSL Certificate pinning inspired by post but updated to work. You need to change sha256/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA= with the required public key. Use doCheckRequest to find the correct key...
  8. hatzisn

    Android Question Trust anchor for certification path not found.

    Hi everybody, I am facing a problem with accessing a site in Android device and emulator. I get the following error: anchor for certification path not found. I use the OkHttp and OkHttpUtils2 libraries...