
  1. Mynak

    Android Question Localstorage

    #Region Project Attributes #ApplicationLabel: Ningen #VersionCode: 3 #VersionName: 'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or portrait. #SupportedOrientations: portrait #CanInstallToExternalStorage: False #End Region #Region Activity Attributes...
  2. Alexander Stolte

    Android Example [B4X] Supabase - Storage Image Transformations Supabase Storage offers the functionality to transform and resize images dynamically. Any image stored in your buckets can be transformed and optimized for fast delivery...
  3. Alexander Stolte

    Android Example [B4X] Supabase Storage - Download file with Progress This is a very simple tutorial on how to download a file and show the progress in a progressbar. With my small image there is not much progress, it makes more sense to use this function with...
  4. Alexander Stolte

    Android Example [B4X] Supabase - Storage Files This is a very simple tutorial on how to use the storage file options. Upload File Uploads a file to an existing bucket. Dim UploadFile As Supabase_StorageFile =...
  5. Alexander Stolte

    Android Example [B4X] Supabase - Storage Bucket This is a very simple tutorial on how to use the storage bucket options. CREATE Creates a new Storage bucket Name - A unique identifier for the bucket you are creating Dim CreateBucket As...
  6. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Library [B4X] Supabase - The Open Source Firebase alternative

    Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative. It provides all the backend services you need to build a product. Supabase uses Postgres database with real-time capabilities. Basically, supabase provides an interface to manage postgres database that you can use to create table and insert, edit...
  7. M

    Android Question Access the internal Download folder

    Hi everyone, I'm trying to download a file from a server, and I want to save it in the "Download" folder of the phone (not on an external SD or USB) what is the right way to do it? (I already know how to download... i need to specify only the path) I tried with...
  8. T201016

    B4A Library [B4A] Uri2Tools - Library.

    Hi, I provide the Uri2Tools library version 1.0 (2022.03.22) The code requires Android 6.0 or 8.1 The library uses the following libraries: - B4XCollections v1.12 - ContentResolver v1.50 - Core v11.20 - FileProvider v1.0 - SQL v1.50 - Storage v1.0 I would like to thank the authors for...
  9. I

    Android Question File/Cloud Storage

    Hi All, We are working on an application that requires storing and retrieving files and images at/from the server. The access to the files must be restricted and only accessible using the application logic. In other words, We don’t want anyone with a link to the file to be able to download it...
  10. C

    Android Question Should I replace File.DirRootExternal?

    In my private (not publishing to Play Store and using on my private Android 10 device) phone I've made myself an app that saves its' backups in storage/emulated (File.DirRootExternal), I've implemented permission checking and everything works well. I really prefer to have it over there as it's...
  11. DarkoT

    General storage

    Hi to all... I have one idea. I'm huge fan of B4X platform. And - because I'm new (beginner) in this platform, I'm allays looking for forum to find some solution or some examples... This works perfectly and his really helpfully. But - I'm missing one thing... I'ts will be nice when we can have...
  12. A

    Other What is the best storage platform?

    Hi there, I'm working on an Android app, and i want to download a JSON data online and parse it into a CustomListView. I did all the work, but i just want to know what is the best plan to store my JSON file online and get the data from it.. I think Firebase Storage is a good choice, but the...
  13. F

    Android Question Google Cloud Storage upload

    Hello all, What I'd like to accomplish is to simply upload a file (zip) to a bucket that I've already created on Google Cloud Storage. REST API URI is given as:[BUCKET_NAME]/o?uploadType=media&name=[OBJECT_NAME] I do understand that I need...
  14. Lucas Eduardo

    Android Question total cellphone storage size

    Hello, i am trying to get the total cellphone storage size. i found this code in JAVA public static boolean externalMemoryAvailable() { return android.os.Environment.getExternalStorageState().equals( android.os.Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED); } public static String...
  15. Alexander Stolte

    B4J Question Google Cloud Storage authentication

    Hello, i want to use Google Cloud Storage for my image backend, my B4J Service would be handle the auth. I have create a service account and have set the permissions to this account, to access the bucket. How can i authenticate the B4J service to access the images? I have a .json file with...