
  1. LucaMs

    Wish TableView - select cells with mouse

  2. AKJammer

    B4J Question Changing the RowHeight in a Tableview

    I've been able to do a few things with Java Objects, but this one seems to escape me. If I have TableView tv1, how do I change all the row heights to a specific number, say 30px. I've seen some examples for B4I, but I'm strictly using B4J. Even changing the font, the default is leaving too...
  3. AKJammer

    B4J Question Updating Tableview data from textfield

    Hello All, I know I'm missing something obvious, but for the life of me I can't see it. I have a Tableview that I'm populating with DBUTILS ExecuteTableView. When I click on a line, it will populate a couple textfields. If I update the Qty field, and send the data back to the row, the...
  4. Jmu5667

    B4J Question Tableview Anomaly when column resizing.

    Hello I have a table view with 7 cols. The first 2 cols are text, and the remainder 5 cols have a checkbox in them. When I resize any of the cols that have a checkbox using the double click on the col header when the mouse icon turns to resize the following occurs: Is this a bug, or if...
  5. Mashiane

    B4J Code Snippet TableView: Adding tooltips to column headers

    Ola This is no magic really, some time ago there was a post here about adding fontawesome buttons to headers, so I included it on my snippets, here too. I have realized something, my table has abbreviations and I sometimes forget what they even mean. Lol. So me things, there is already a...
  6. Mashiane

    B4J Question TableView: To 'Object' or To 'List' - that is the question

    Hi there I have been using the 'Dim row(3) As Object' notation for a while with tableviews record addition. So I decided to try to use a list instead. So I.. Dim row as List row.Initialize row.add("x") row.add("y") row.add("z") tableview.items.add(row) of rather row.AddAll(array as...
  7. P

    B4J Question How to get some information from multiple selected object in tableview?

    I made a tableview and I stored numbers in each cells as object when I clicked some cell, I got number(object info) of each cells by using below method Sub TableView1_SelectedCellChanged (RowIndex As Int, ColIndex As Int, Cell As Object) Log(Cell) End Sub Then, I am trying to get...
  8. iordanis lazoudis

    B4J Code Snippet export Tableview to excel with jPOI

    This is my first code snippet, for exporting a tableview to an excel. ITs my first serious attempt to work with b4j after trying various tools for months. I am now certain i made the best choice to start working with b4j. After searching the forum i managed to put together this sub... no big...