
  1. U

    Share My Creation WebView with progress and no internet notification

    B4A WebView Project Description This B4A WebView project is designed to help you easily load and display a website within your Android application, making it feel like a native app. It's perfect for situations where you want your website to resemble an app or seamlessly load within one. Key...
  2. walterf25

    Android Question Weird behavior when Compiling in Release (obfuscated) vs Release

    Hi Everyone, I came across an unexpected behavior while trying to figure out another issue, I have a webview in landscape mode where I am loading a youtube video, I finally figured out how to get the player to cover the full screen. The problem I just caught is that if I compile and run the...
  3. walterf25

    Android Question Play YouTube Video on WebView or SMM (SOLVED)

    Hello everyone, i've been searching for a couple of days and have not found a reliable way to play a youtube video the way I need to. I have a video that I will be showing in my app, it's a tutorial video, I need the video to automatically start playing as soon as it loads and it needs to play...
  4. EstasPerplejo

    Android Question B4x Webview: Handling href and mailto links

    Hi folks. I've been working on a new project (B4x / V12.80 - Web-Browser) for quite some time now. Now, as my work is progressing I noticed that the webview control can't seem to handle links like downloads (href) or mailto events. Clicking on these links will result in no action whatsoever...
  5. Duque

    iOS Question [RESOLVED] Click webview to B4I

    After 3 days of searching for solutions and trying almost everything, I don't want to give up on b4i. Context: I have a table in a Webview, the user can click on a cell and see information (this is already done for b4a and b4j). <script> function pulsa_cell(myDato){...
  6. drgottjr

    Share My Creation WVX-Lite (for B4J)

    this is WVX-Lite (for B4J), as in webviewextras-lite (with props to @warwound for his groundbreaking contribution to B4A). the principal idea was to provide a contextmenu for webview that allowed for image downloads. once you start down that road, you find you need a listener to override the...
  7. A

    Android Question Web View - need webview die continue

    I have a web vision, I get out of the application and, when the loaded page passes 20 minutes, the page does not continue, the page stops!
  8. Mynak

    Android Question Go back in WebView

    Sub Class_Globals Private xui As XUI Private WebView1 As WebView Private wve As WebViewExtras Private wvs As WebSettings Dim IME As IME End Sub Public Sub Initialize IME.Initialize("IME") IME.AddHeightChangedEvent End Sub Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)...
  9. ebrahim moradi

    Android Question Why not full support webview for video share and play services

    Hello friends, I apologize for this question, why when we use webview, it does not display the sites that play videos, for example, the piped site, which is similar to the YouTube site. Please help what parameter to use to open video player sites and sites including video sharing services...
  10. LusazDeveloper

    iOS Question I Need help to open external link from webView

    Hi. I am building an iOS app that has a webview and inside it will show a web page in which there's a link that must open a external app when it's clicked. I did it already in Android with Don Manfred's help...
  11. AneeshJay

    iOS Question Allow file access for webview in iOS [Solved]

    Hi guys, In B4A ,I enable local storage in webview using the following, Dim jwb As JavaObject = wb Dim jset As JavaObject = jwb.RunMethod("getSettings", Null) Dim r As Reflector r.Target = jset ' Enable local storage r.RunMethod2("setDomStorageEnabled", True...
  12. X

    Android Question Some Question on Google WebView...

    background:Android14 mobile phone with gms, using google webview seeing it in [Developer Options] When Using WebView with customized WebChromeClient and override function `public void onReceivedTitle(WebView view, String title)` load a HTML url link,and receive title the url without protocrol...
  13. james_sgp

    iOS Question PDF in Canvas Disappears

    Hi, I`m loading a PDF into a Cavas in a WebView; however, the PDF opens (page appears) ...but then immediately disappears! I have attached a sample showing the issue. I can`t find the issue, can someone pls advise? James
  14. Rosin

    Android Question How can i use the webview to play online vedio

    hello!i try yo use the b4a to construct a Paid video parsing app,Emm...I use the Web video parsing interface(https://okjx.cc/),In my test,i try to loadurl like this ...actually,i can see i am in the website,but i can't see any button in the app,if i open the url normally in my edge,it works。...
  15. D

    Android Question Fully Functional WebBrowser with WebView

    I need to make a webview fully functional. In other words I need it to be able to browse any site on the web including login sites like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube etc... I have already implemented forward, back, refresh, navigate to site. I see on FrostCode's WebView Example you can also set...
  16. Hackito

    Android Question WebView Error: ResponseError. Reason: , Response: <!DOCTYPE html>

    Hello. I'm trying to extract parts of web pages and load them into a webview, but for some reason it doesn't work. Please help! Error: ResponseError. Reason: , Response: <!DOCTYPE html> Private Sub CargarReparto Dim http As HttpJob http.initialize("", Me)...
  17. D

    Android Question Webview Error

    I have a webview setup. When I click on a url within the webview it crashes the app. Any suggestions? Here is the error I get: Error occurred on line: 357 (ViewSite) java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: Initialize, Class: uk.co.martinpearman.b4a.webkit.WebViewExtras not matched. at...
  18. M

    B4J Question Webview problem

    If I try to load the simple attached map.html file into a B4J webview this doesn't work. With any browser, yes. The html file contains an OpenStreetMap map with scripts. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance. My Code Sub Process_Globals Private fx As JFX Private MainForm As Form...
  19. yo3ggx

    Android Question HTML5 audio in a webview

    Hello. I have an application that connects to a web page using a hidden webview and then send different javascript commands. That web page, when connected, automatically starts streaming audio. On some Android devices (different Android versions from 5 to and including 13), audio is played, on...
  20. yo3ggx

    Android Question webview - get a bitmap with javascript

    I want to extract the image in a bitmap using a webview and javascript commands. The code on the web page looks like that: <canvas class="mypic" id="mpcanvas0" width="1024" height="100" >test</canvas> The image is dynamically changed. If I try: Dim js As String js = $"B4A.CallSub('pic_cb'...