
  1. iOS Question [RESOLVED] Click webview to B4I

    After 3 days of searching for solutions and trying almost everything, I don't want to give up on b4i. Context: I have a table in a Webview, the user can click on a cell and see information (this is already done for b4a and b4j). <script> function pulsa_cell(myDato){...
  2. D

    Android Question Webview Error

    I have a webview setup. When I click on a url within the webview it crashes the app. Any suggestions? Here is the error I get: Error occurred on line: 357 (ViewSite) java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: Initialize, Class: uk.co.martinpearman.b4a.webkit.WebViewExtras not matched. at...
  3. P

    Android Question problem with using WebViewExract and javaScript in my code

    Hi, I hope someone can help me My problem is that I want to access the codes of the Instagram Inspect section and receive the caption of the posts, the code is compiled and executed without any errors, but after entering the link and requesting the download, I receive the following errors. codes...
  4. Android Question WebViewExtras (WebView) touch or click on EditText

    Hello dear friends I want to touch EditText in WebView when touched inside the app Edit Text. But I can not do that, Please guide me ! Thank you in advance for your effort .
  5. Android Example [WebViewExtras] send data: from WebView to B4X / from B4X to WebView [addJavascriptInterface] [CallSub]

    addJavascriptInterface [WebViewExtras] CallSub [B4XPages] Example I created a Example (after search and not found) send data: from WebView to B4X / from B4X to WebView , using addJavascriptInterface and CallSub, thre are sam B4XPages also, hope it's useful, and there are some room...
  6. R

    Android Question Submitting web form (click button) with WebViewExtras1

    This is the webpage I am dealing with: https://qrisk.org/three/index.php Managed now to populate all the controls properly, but having problems submitting the form, so pressing the Calculate risk button. Tried many variations, but it seems this should do it: Javascript =...
  7. R

    Android Question Problem setting values 2 webpage controls

    Installed the WebViewExtras library (1.42) and trying to set the values of the controls on this webpage: https://qrisk.org/three All working perfectly fine, except for 2 controls, called sbps5 and weight. There is no error but they just remain blank. I tried with sleep(0) and sleep =(10) etc...
  8. B

    Share My Creation Game Puzzle (League of Legends)

    Hello from France, I share with the community my first hybrid application construct with B4A. The main game is embedded in a webview placed in the main activity. And I used Firebase Admob library in a second activity. The main difficulty was to establish the dialogue between Javascript and B4A...
  9. D

    Android Question WebViewExtras Favicon Not Working

    I am using WebViewExtras 2.2 to read a favicon. Unfortunately it is not extracting the bitmap of a webpage that I know has a favicon. Any suggestions?
  10. F

    Android Question WebView - Html FilePicker doesn't work

    Hi, I've been trying to upload a file from a webview but when I click on "Choose file" nothing happens. I've searched on the Internet and it seems like I should override the method "openFileChooser" but I'm not sure how to (or if I can) do that on B4A...
  11. Q

    Android Question Problem with Webview Button Click (WebViewExtras)

    hello, I am currently playing with webviews, but fail to click a button. It is a simple html and php file, both limited to the most necessary, with an input field and a submit button. I can write into the field using webviewextras, but the button is not triggered. can someone possibly tell me...
  12. R

    Android Question Upload in webView (WORK)!

    Hi all, I found a way (in a somewhat accidental) to run the file upload in a WebView. I have used WebViewExtras and WebViewExtras2, but in the .b4a project file I have declared FIRST WebViewExtras2 and THEN WebViewExtras . When, the code are whis: Sub Globals 'These global variables will...
  13. Android Question Issue with .GetContentHeight from the WebviewExtras and WebViewExtras2 library

    Hi, I have been testing WebViewExtras and WebViewExtras2 to calculate the height of a WV and it occurs to me that the height is calculated correctly only if I execute it in Debug mode and I put a break point in the _pagefinished event (line #36 of the example). In "release" mode it is not...
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