Hola Javier, por favor, pon el código cómo texto con las etiquetas Code, que hace más sencillo verlo.
Me pillas fuera, pero ese código lo pongo en la sub TakePicture de la clase Camera2.
Solo modifico el Takepicture en el MAIN
En El CamEx2, el procedimiento se llama TakepictureNow, es diferente,, (me equivoqué antes con el nombre)
Las librerías actualizadas a la versión 1.10. Todo bien según indicaciones. Pero nada.
Este a texto, todo el código que hay.
#Region Project Attributes
#ApplicationLabel: Camera2 Example
#VersionCode: 1
'SupportedOrientations possible values: unspecified, landscape or portrait.
#SupportedOrientations: unspecified
#CanInstallToExternalStorage: False
#End Region
#Region Activity Attributes
#FullScreen: False
#IncludeTitle: False
#End Region
#BridgeLogger: true
Sub Process_Globals
Private frontCamera As Boolean = False
Private VideoMode As Boolean = False
Private VideoFileDir, VideoFileName As String
Private MyTaskIndex As Int
Private rp As RuntimePermissions
End Sub
Sub Globals
Private cam As CamEx2
Private pnlCamera As Panel
Private pnlPicture As Panel
Private pnlBackground As Panel
Private btnEffects As Button
Private btnScene As Button
Private buttons As List
Private btnAutoExposure As Button
Private btnFocus As Button
Private ProgressBar1 As ProgressBar
Private openstate, busystate As Boolean
Private btnRecord As Button
Private btnMode As Button
Private btnCamera As Button
Private barZoom As SeekBar
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
VideoFileDir = rp.GetSafeDirDefaultExternal("")
VideoFileName = "1.mp4"
buttons = Array(btnScene, btnAutoExposure, btnEffects, btnFocus, btnMode)
SetState(False, False, VideoMode)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Resume
End Sub
Sub OpenCamera (front As Boolean)
Wait For Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
If Result = False Then
ToastMessageShow("No permission!", True)
End If
SetState(False, False, VideoMode)
Wait For (cam.OpenCamera(front)) Complete (TaskIndex As Int)
If TaskIndex > 0 Then
MyTaskIndex = TaskIndex 'hold this index. It will be required in later calls.
Wait For(PrepareSurface) Complete (Success As Boolean)
End If
Log("Start success: " & Success)
SetState(Success, False, VideoMode)
If Success = False Then
ToastMessageShow("Failed to open camera", True)
End If
End Sub
Sub PrepareSurface As ResumableSub
SetState(False, busystate, VideoMode)
'sizes can be modified here
If VideoMode Then
cam.PreviewSize.Initialize(640, 480)
'Using a temporary file to store the video.
Wait For (cam.PrepareSurfaceForVideo(MyTaskIndex, VideoFileDir, "temp-" & VideoFileName)) Complete (Success As Boolean)
cam.PreviewSize.Initialize(1920, 1080)
Wait For (cam.PrepareSurface(MyTaskIndex)) Complete (Success As Boolean)
End If
If Success Then cam.StartPreview(MyTaskIndex, VideoMode)
SetState(Success, busystate, VideoMode)
Return Success
End Sub
Sub btnCamera_Click
frontCamera = Not(frontCamera)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
End Sub
Sub btnMode_Click
VideoMode = Not(VideoMode)
If VideoMode Then
Wait For Activity_PermissionResult (Permission As String, Result As Boolean)
If Result = False Then
ToastMessageShow("No permission!", True)
VideoMode = False
End If
End If
SetState(openstate, busystate, VideoMode)
End Sub
Sub btnRecord_Click
If VideoMode Then
End If
End Sub
Sub CaptureVideo
SetState(openstate, True, VideoMode)
If cam.RecordingVideo = False Then
cam.StartVideoRecording (MyTaskIndex)
cam.StopVideoRecording (MyTaskIndex)
File.Copy(VideoFileDir, "temp-" & VideoFileName, VideoFileDir, VideoFileName)
ToastMessageShow($"Video file saved: $1.2{File.Size(VideoFileDir, VideoFileName) / 1024 / 1024} MB"$, True)
Wait For (PrepareSurface) Complete (Success As Boolean)
SetState(openstate, False, VideoMode)
End If
End Try
End Sub
Sub HandleError (Error As Exception)
Log("Error: " & Error)
ToastMessageShow(Error, True)
End Sub
Sub TakePicture
' Try
' SetState(openstate, True, VideoMode)
' Wait For(cam.FocusAndTakePicture(MyTaskIndex)) Complete (Data() As Byte)
' SetState(openstate, False, VideoMode)
' Dim bmp As Bitmap = cam.DataToBitmap(Data)
' Log("Picture taken: " & bmp)
' pnlBackground.SetVisibleAnimated(100, True)
' pnlPicture.SetBackgroundImage(bmp.Resize(pnlPicture.Width, pnlPicture.Height, True)).Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
' Sleep(4000)
' pnlBackground.SetVisibleAnimated(500, False)
' Catch
' HandleError(LastException)
' End Try
'Dim NombreFoto As String
SetState(openstate, True, VideoMode)
Wait For(cam.FocusAndTakePicture(MyTaskIndex)) Complete (Data() As Byte)
SetState(openstate, False, VideoMode)
'Dim bmp As Bitmap = cam.DataToBitmap(Data)
'Log("Picture taken: " & bmp)
'NombreFoto ="NombreQueQuieras.jpg"
cam.DataToFile(Data, rp.GetSafeDirDefaultExternal(""), "foto.jpg")
End Try
End Sub
Sub pnlPicture_Click
pnlBackground.Visible = False
End Sub
Sub btnEffects_Click
Dim effects As List = cam.SupportedEffectModes
Dim i As Int = effects.IndexOf(cam.EffectMode)
i = (i + 1) Mod effects.Size
cam.EffectMode = effects.Get(i)
btnEffects.Text = effects.Get(i)
cam.StartPreview(MyTaskIndex, VideoMode)
End Sub
Sub btnScene_Click
Dim scenes As List = cam.SupportedSceneModes
Dim i As Int = scenes.IndexOf(cam.SceneMode)
i = (i + 1) Mod scenes.Size
cam.SceneMode = scenes.Get(i)
btnScene.Text = scenes.Get(i)
cam.StartPreview(MyTaskIndex, VideoMode)
End Sub
Sub btnAutoExposure_Click
Dim flashes As List = cam.SupportedAutoExposureModes
Dim i As Int = flashes.IndexOf(cam.AutoExposureMode)
i = (i + 1) Mod flashes.Size
cam.AutoExposureMode = flashes.Get(i)
btnAutoExposure.Text = flashes.Get(i)
cam.StartPreview(MyTaskIndex, VideoMode)
End Sub
Sub btnFocus_Click
Dim focuses As List = cam.SupportedFocusModes
Dim i As Int = focuses.IndexOf(cam.FocusMode)
i = (i + 1) Mod focuses.Size
cam.FocusMode = focuses.Get(i)
btnFocus.Text = focuses.Get(i)
cam.StartPreview(MyTaskIndex, VideoMode)
End Sub
'This sub enables or disables the various UI elements based on the current state.
Sub SetState(Open As Boolean, Busy As Boolean, Video As Boolean)
For Each b As Button In buttons
b.Visible = Open And Not(Busy)
btnCamera.Visible = Not(Busy)
btnRecord.Visible = Open And (Video Or Not(Busy))
openstate = Open
ProgressBar1.Visible = Busy
busystate = Busy
VideoMode = Video
barZoom.Visible = Open
Dim btnRecordText As String
If VideoMode Then
If Busy Then
btnRecordText = Chr(0xF04D)
btnRecordText = Chr(0xF03D)
End If
btnRecordText = Chr(0xF030)
End If
btnRecord.Text = btnRecordText
End Sub
Sub barZoom_ValueChanged (Value As Int, UserChanged As Boolean)
Dim OriginalSize As Rect = cam.ActiveArraySize
Dim Zoom As Float = 1 + Value / 100 * (cam.MaxDigitalZoom - 1)
Dim Crop As Rect
Dim NewWidth As Int = OriginalSize.Width / Zoom
Dim NewHeight As Int = OriginalSize.Height / Zoom
Crop.Initialize(OriginalSize.CenterX - NewWidth / 2, OriginalSize.CenterY - NewHeight / 2, _
OriginalSize.CenterX + NewWidth / 2, OriginalSize.CenterY + NewHeight / 2)
cam.PreviewCropRegion = Crop
cam.StartPreview(MyTaskIndex, VideoMode)
End Sub