Share My Creation POS management

Hi all,
since last December I deployed a B4J-based solution in order to manage 16 POS cash registers at the Cornaredo Stadium in Lugano, home of the FC Lugano, a football club partecipating SFL's Super League and UEFA Champions League.
The solution is data-driven, so almost anything is set up in a remote DB for maximum flexibility.

Each POS can show a different selection of items (eventually even different prices for the same item sold at different points), can be programmed to print receipts only, receipt plus voucher (so it can be consumed at a later time) or nothing. A POS can be instructed to manage separately special accounts where a payment is cumulative and made at a later time.

Actually the program was used not only at the stadium but for other events like Xmas Village and a couple of Conferences (programmed to sell food and beverages).

A smart show schedule permits to rotate as many advertising images as needed during the order composition step. This means the manager could sell those slots to more than two advertiser and set a price based on statistics like the average number of receipts a specific POS (or a given zone) prints.
While no order is running, one or more videos could be played (to sollicit some kind of interest by a passer-by) .

A companion B4A app is in the works to let the manager update things on the fly.

I'd like to thank Anywhere Software for making all this possible.



  • CP_login.PNG
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  • CP_layout.PNG
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  • CP-order.PNG
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  • CP_order2.PNG
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Hi, I didn't consider that option but we can talk. Another possibility is to activate a new customer on the same DB.
Keep in mind that actual code works on terminals that are in essence W10 PCs (Hisense HK570E) sporting a main monitor and a seconday "courtesy" monitor toward the customer. As for the printer, ESC codes are based on Epson TM-T20II.


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A smart show schedule permits to rotate as many advertising images as needed during the order composition step. This means the manager could sell those slots to more than two advertiser and set a price based on statistics like the average number of receipts a specific POS (or a given sector) prints.

First of all: 'CONGRATS' for placing your solution at the Cornaredo Stadium.

Is it possible to see more about why you name the schedule 'smart' - how does your solution assist the manager in selling the slots?

Best regards and best wishes for selling your solution also to other stadiums

btw: if you ever need a nfc-based b4a-part to issue and use nfc-tags for payment like bigger stadiums do, we should maybe talk ;-)


Licensed User
it would be too much to ask to share the true source code ... ???

Hi all,
since last December I deployed a B4J-based solution in order to manage 16 POS cash registers at the Cornaredo Stadium in Lugano, home of the FC Lugano, a football club partecipating SFL's Super League and UEFA Champions League.
The solution is data-driven, so almost anything is set up in a remote DB for maximum flexibility.

Each POS can show a different selection of items (eventually even different prices for the same item sold at different points), can be programmed to print receipts only, receipt plus voucher (so it can be consumed at a later time) or nothing. A POS can be instructed to manage separately special accounts where a payment is cumulative and made at a later time.

Actually the program was used not only at the stadium but for other events like Xmas Village and a couple of Conferences (programmed to sell food and beverages).

A smart show schedule permits to rotate as many advertising images as needed during the order composition step. This means the manager could sell those slots to more than two advertiser and set a price based on statistics like the average number of receipts a specific POS (or a given sector) prints.
While no order is running, one or more videos could be played (to sollicit some kind of interest by a passer-by) .

A companion B4A app is in the works to let the manager update things on the fly.

I'd like to thank Anywhere Software for making all this possible.


Peter Simpson

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Hi all,
since last December I deployed a B4J-based solution in order to manage 16 POS cash registers at the Cornaredo Stadium in Lugano, home of the FC Lugano, a football club partecipating SFL's Super League and UEFA Champions League.

Nice gigg @udg. Your application looks nice and clean, I like it. Can your POS system process payments within the software itself via the internet, or is that done on a separate card machine???


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Thank you all for your appreciation and interest about this thread.

@Herbert32 : why smart? Because the manager can choose which advertinsing to show and where (even when if you consider that he/she can set the order of appearance of each image). It works this: you have two slots; you decide if you want to show always the same image in a given slot (this will cost more to the customer) or have any number of images that repeat themselves once the list is over. But you can even set a sequence like: 01-02-01-03-01-04... in order to have image 01 displayed a lot more than any other. Again, this will surely be reflected in an higher fee the customer has to pay.
Now, all this could be programmed differently POS by POS. And event by event. Once the B4A companion app will be ready, the manager will be allowed to change the sequence at any time, even during the event itself.
Another point: each POS ha an assigned zone. So when reading statistics, the manager knows which areas are selling better than others and he/she will have data to show the customer why promoting on a given POS (or zone) will lead to more visibility (that needs to be payed more..)

NFC: thanks for your offer. We can surely stay in touch. I developed an NFC solution using DESFire tags and a second one based on NTAG213. They are evaluating different selling strategies (from pre-paid card/tags to credit card terminals).

@Peter Simpson : I missed to say that my system is able to work off-line. In fact that was a requirement because those cash registers are sometimes used where there isn't any kind of Internet available (in that case they are prepared beforehand, then operate off-line and when they come back home they sync with the server). So, to reply to your question: no payment is actually processed by current release. There are a few options on the table but none is on the drawing board yet.
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Well-Known Member
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Hi, I didn't consider that option but we can talk. Another possibility is to activate a new customer on the same DB.
Keep in mind that actual code works on terminals that are in essence W10 PCs (Hisense HK570E) sporting a main monitor and a seconday "courtesy" monitor toward the customer. As for the printer, ESC codes are based on Epson TM-T20II.
Can you give your price, please


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Can you give your price, please
Thanks again for your interest. As explained there's not a set up price since I didn't anticipate the chance to sell it as source.
Anyway, any price could be too high or too low if you don't know the product, all its features and its defects. In my opinion you should at least watch a video, see it in action or play with a demo (I don't have ready neither a video nor a demo as of now but it could be done).
Probabily you're now interested more to understand which could be a possible price range than the real final price. But, again, any number could be too high/low until you have a direct knowledge of the object.
If you like to PM me for more details I'll be glad to reply in order to ease your evaluation and to permit you to understand whether this could be the right object for you.

Peter Simpson

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A companion B4A app is in the works to let the manager update things on the fly.

A companion app to be developed using B4A :)

And to all those in the past who have said (not me of course) that B4A can't be used for serious applications for larger companies or organisations, as the end user wants Java developers etc etc etc, I say this. You can't be that small or a one man band to participate in the UEFA Champions League, it's second only to the world cup lol :cool:

We developer are paid to design, develop, beta test and deploy 100% fully working solutions for our clients. In every single case that I've personally come across, not one client of mine was ever interested in the development language being used, they only cared about the end solution working for their businesses. Most clients have absolutely no idea what a programming language is, let alone know that there are lots of different languages available for developers to use, clients seem to think that all programmers are the same. Being self employed allows us the developers to choose what IDE we want to develop applications in and when we want to use it. As B4J has matured over time with more features and libraries being available to use for creating solutions, I've found myself turning more and more to B4J for creating those solutions.

B4J is lightweight compared to VS (VS really is bloated and overkill these days for a single developers like myself, VS does have some nice feature though). B4J has a cleaner less cluttered design and a better layout, B4J is generally nicer to work in compared to VS. Anywhere Software only really adds quirks and features that are logical and that makes developing applications easier for us the developer to accomplish. Basically Erel does all the hard work developing the B4X suite of RAD tools to make it easier for us to create beautiful looking fully functional applications, and that's why I will keep contributing every 2 years to Anywhere Software, also thanks to the library developers ?

Don't get me wrong, I still use VS now and again as I can develop in both VB and C# languages, but I really do prefer to use the B4X suite of RAD tools, plus this forum is a great community to be apart of.

@udg you are living proof as well as other B4X developers on here that the B4X suite of RAD tools can be used for and is used for developing great professional solutions for multi million € businesses. It's a shame that your POS application wasn't for my football team, who are by far the greatest team, the world has ever seen ⚽

Anyway a huge congratulations from me to you @udg. Keep up the great work as your POS solution looks absolutely fabulous. I can't wait to see the screenshots of the companion Android app.

Sorry for the long post...
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I will keep contributing every 2 years to Anywhere Software,
This is exactly my plan. Continuing to pay what was the amount for my license each time it is over.


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Hi there

Can you specify which database did you use for that project?

Congrats for the great work.


Licensed User
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Can you specify which database did you use for that project?
MySQL server-side and SQLite for local storage. Local DB is in a sub-folder of DirData