Hello Forum,
in this Example i want to show you, how to use the ASTabMenu togehther with the xCustomListView, to handle a lot of Tabs without getting into layout problems.
Attached is a B4A Example.
How to use?
it is easy.
- Add a xCustomListView to the form
- Add a new Form with only the ASTabMenu inside
- create a dummy panel in code, in this example the width of the xcustomlistview * 2 to have 2 times more space:
Dim xpnl_horizontal As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("") xpnl_horizontal.SetLayoutAnimated(0,0,0,xclv_horiontal.GetBase.Width * 2,xclv_horiontal.GetBase.Height) xpnl_horizontal.LoadLayout("frm_tabmenu_1") xclv_horiontal.Add(xpnl_horizontal,"")
- Load the ASTaBMenu Layout to this panel
- Add the panel to the xCustomListView
- Finish
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