Android Question WiFi Direct: How to get the connecting device name?


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If DeviceA is the group owner and is expecting connection from both DeviceB and DeviceC, how can DeviceA find out which device, B or C, is connected when the event Manager_ConnectionChanged () is raised?

I tried something similar to getting own device name, but the intent wasn't triggered. I think the following filter isn't correct; could someone show me how to fix it, please?
manifest entry:
AddReceiverText(WiFiDirectGetConnectingDeviceNameService, <intent-filter>
    <action android:name="" /> 

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Below is an answer (although no one confirmed that it works) to a similar question at Stackoverflow:

When you receive the WIFI_P2P_CONNECTION_CHANGED_ACTION broadcast, if you are on API level 18 or higher, there is an extra in the intent, called EXTRA_WIFI_P2P_GROUP.


This returns a WifiP2pGroup on which you can call getClientList(). This gives you a collection of WifiP2pDevices. Once you have a WifiP2pDevice you can just get the field "deviceName".
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Sorry, it didn't work; the intent wasn't triggered when an incoming connection was made. Test project is attached, so that others could check if I did anything wrong.


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Sorry, I didn't know failed to see that there is such an event. The device name, zenfone3, is shown.

highlighted line shows the client device name:
(Intent) Intent { flg=0x24000010 (has extras) }
Bundle[{networkInfo=[type: WIFI_P2P[], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: (unspecified), extra: (none), failover: false, available: false, roaming: false], wifiP2pInfo=groupFormed: true isGroupOwner: true groupOwnerAddress: /, p2pGroupInfo=network: DIRECT-rg-pixel4a
isGO: true
GO: Device:
deviceAddress: 02:00:00:00:00:00
primary type: null
secondary type: null
wps: 0
grpcapab: 0
devcapab: 0
status: 4
wfdInfo: null
Client: Device: zenfone3
deviceAddress: 62:45:cb:28:51:bd
primary type: 10-0050F204-5
secondary type: null
wps: 392
grpcapab: 0
devcapab: 37
status: 0
wfdInfo: WFD enabled: trueWFD DeviceInfo: 16
WFD CtrlPort: 7236
WFD MaxThroughput: 50
interface: p2p-p2p0-1
networkId: 0
frequency: 5180}]
peers: true
server_NewConnection true
AsyncStreams started
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Sorry, I didn't know that there is such an event
Carefully reading the answers helps a lot here. ;-)
Please try the attached, untested, update (1.06).

It adds an event named IntentReceived (Intent As Intent).

Handle this event and post the output of
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