This example is based on agrahams encryption library: Encryption Lib
1. Generate a 32 byte pw (just call the sub) and store it
2. Encrypt the data by calling AES_Encrypt. Return is a byte array or a base64 encoded string
3. Salt is a random value which is added at the beginning of the encrypted string. It is a good practice to add some random bytes to a message. A hacker doesn't know how long this "salt" is. Could be 16 or 16K of bytes.
4. IV is public and random, too and is used to scramble the order of the blocks (AES is a block cypher method). With this method you always get different byte orders with the same message (which is good as in encryption one does not want repetitive data sequences at it is seen a problematic). Like the Emigma device which was hacked in WW2 because almost all messages started with a standard weather report using the same sentences/words.
5. Use RSA to exchange the key/pw (so you can exchange it like SSL does).
1. Generate a 32 byte pw (just call the sub) and store it
2. Encrypt the data by calling AES_Encrypt. Return is a byte array or a base64 encoded string
3. Salt is a random value which is added at the beginning of the encrypted string. It is a good practice to add some random bytes to a message. A hacker doesn't know how long this "salt" is. Could be 16 or 16K of bytes.
4. IV is public and random, too and is used to scramble the order of the blocks (AES is a block cypher method). With this method you always get different byte orders with the same message (which is good as in encryption one does not want repetitive data sequences at it is seen a problematic). Like the Emigma device which was hacked in WW2 because almost all messages started with a standard weather report using the same sentences/words.
5. Use RSA to exchange the key/pw (so you can exchange it like SSL does).
Public Sub AES_Encrypt(data() As Byte, passB() As Byte, ReturnB64String As Boolean) As Object
Dim SaltB() As Byte = GenerateSalt(32)
Dim IVb() As Byte = GenerateIV
Dim kg As KeyGenerator
Dim C As Cipher
C.InitialisationVector = IVb
Dim datas() As Byte = C.Encrypt(data, kg.Key, True)
Dim SaltIVMessage(SaltB.Length + datas.Length + IVb.Length) As Byte = AddSaltIVMessage(SaltB,IVb,datas)
If ReturnB64String Then
Return SU.EncodeBase64(SaltIVMessage)
Return SaltIVMessage
End If
End Sub
'Input is a Base664 encoded string or a byte array, output a string or byte array
'Salt (32) and IV(16) is added at the beginning
Public Sub AES_Decrypt(data() As Byte, passb() As Byte, ReturnString As Boolean) As Object
Dim m As Map = SplitSaltIVMessage(data)
Dim IVb() As Byte = m.Get("iv")
Dim MessageB() As Byte = m.Get("message")
Dim kg As KeyGenerator
Dim C As Cipher
C.InitialisationVector = IVb
Dim datas() As Byte = C.Decrypt(MessageB, kg.Key, True)
If ReturnString Then
Return BytesToString(datas, 0, datas.Length, "UTF8")
Return datas
End If
End Sub
Public Sub GetMessageSaltIVFromEncryptedMessage(EncryptedMessageAsBytes() As Byte) As Map
Dim m As Map = SplitSaltIVMessage(EncryptedMessageAsBytes)
Return m
End Sub
Private Sub AddSaltIVMessage (Salt() As Byte,IV() As Byte, Message () As Byte) As Byte()
Dim SaltIVMessageBytes (Salt.Length+ IV.Length + Message.Length) As Byte
Return SaltIVMessageBytes
End Sub
Private Sub SplitSaltIVMessage (SaltIvMessage () As Byte) As Map
Dim Salt(32),IV (16), Message(SaltIvMessage.length-48) As Byte
Dim m As Map=CreateMap("salt":Salt,"iv":IV,"message":Message)
Return m
End Sub
Private Sub GenerateSalt (l As Int) As Byte()
Dim SaltB(l) As Byte
For i=0 To l-1
Return SaltB
End Sub
Public Sub GeneratePW32Bytes As Byte()
Dim pw(32) As Byte
For i=0 To 31
Return pw
End Sub
Private Sub GenerateIV As Byte()
Dim IVB(16) As Byte
For i=0 To 15
Return IVB
End Sub
function aes_encrypt($string, $pw)
$output = false;
$encrypt_method = "AES-256-CBC";
$IV=openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16, $securityok);
$Salt=openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32, $securityok);
$output = openssl_encrypt($string, $encrypt_method, $pw, 0,$IV);
//$output is base64 encoded automatically!
return $output;
function aes_decrypt($string, $pw)
$output = false;
$encrypt_method = "AES-256-CBC";
$salt=substr($total, 0, 32);
$iv=substr($total, 32, 16);
$string=Base64_Encode(substr($total, 48, strlen($total)-48));
$output = openssl_decrypt($string, $encrypt_method, $pw, 0,$iv);
//$string must be base64 encoded!
return $output;