pyvips is a very powerful image manipulation library. It can manipulate very large images. I've created a modified "HugeImageView" based on it as an example. It can show 1-2 GB images. These are images that need special handling to draw, as the full image can't be loaded into RAM.
It depends on an external library - libvips. Download and extract:
The path to libvips should be added to the PATH environment variable:
Note that on the first run a scaled down image is created. This takes some time. The image is saved. On the next run the first zoom step will also be a bit slow as it needs to build its internal cache.
It depends on an external library - libvips. Download and extract:
The path to libvips should be added to the PATH environment variable:
Dim opt As PyOptions = Py.CreateOptions("Python/python/python.exe")
Dim PathToVips As String = "C:\Users\H\Downloads\projects\vips-dev-8.16\bin" '<----
opt.EnvironmentVars.Put("PATH", opt.EnvironmentVars.Get("PATH") & ";" & PathToVips)
Note that on the first run a scaled down image is created. This takes some time. The image is saved. On the next run the first zoom step will also be a bit slow as it needs to build its internal cache.