This library is deprecated. It is trivial to show an animated panel and it doesn't justify the complexity that is added when referencing swift frameworks.
Better alternative:
This is a wrapper for LNRSimpleNotifications:
It implements nice sliding notifications that slide from the top or bottom.
The user can click on the notification to dismiss it or wait for the set duration.
It wraps a swift library so you need to set #MinVersion to 8 and it requires B4i v3.6+.
Usage example:
There are various properties that you can change to change notification appearance.
Note that there is no simulator binary included.
Xcode 9 Swift framework is attached.
Xcode 10:
Better alternative:
This is a wrapper for LNRSimpleNotifications:
It implements nice sliding notifications that slide from the top or bottom.
The user can click on the notification to dismiss it or wait for the set duration.
It wraps a swift library so you need to set #MinVersion to 8 and it requires B4i v3.6+.
Usage example:
Sub Process_Globals
Public App As Application
Public NavControl As NavigationController
Private Page1 As Page
Private tn As TopNotificationsManager
End Sub
Private Sub Application_Start (Nav As NavigationController)
NavControl = Nav
Page1.Title = "Page 1"
End Sub
Sub Page1_Click
tn.ShowNotification("This is the title", $"This is the body.
And this is the second line."$, 3000)
End Sub
Note that there is no simulator binary included.
Xcode 9 Swift framework is attached.
Xcode 10:
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