In most cases AppCompat is no longer needed and will only make things more complicated.
B4XPages example with dynamic menu:
The project attached uses the powerful AppCompat library to replace the built-in ActionBar with a more robust ToolBar.
The NavigationItemClick event is raised when the icon is clicked.
You can set ToolbarHelper.ShowUpIndicator = True to show an up arrow instead. It will raise the same event.
You can change the toolbar color in the manifest editor.
Sliding side menu + dynamic menu items:
Example based on B4ADrawer:
Edit: depending on your Android SDK version, you might get this error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroidx/arch/core/executor/ArchTaskExecutor;
The solution is to add this line in the main activity:
B4XPages example with dynamic menu:
The project attached uses the powerful AppCompat library to replace the built-in ActionBar with a more robust ToolBar.
The NavigationItemClick event is raised when the icon is clicked.
You can set ToolbarHelper.ShowUpIndicator = True to show an up arrow instead. It will raise the same event.

You can change the toolbar color in the manifest editor.
Sliding side menu + dynamic menu items:

Example based on B4ADrawer:

Edit: depending on your Android SDK version, you might get this error:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroidx/arch/core/executor/ArchTaskExecutor;
The solution is to add this line in the main activity:
#AdditionalJar: androidx.arch.core:core-runtime
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