B4A Library B4ABridgePlus utility program

Although not really a library I thought that I would post this here for registered users.

B4A-BridgePlus.exe is an Android device File Manager program that runs on the desktop and communicates with an extended version of B4A-Bridge on the device. Using this you can copy files to and from desktop and device, delete files on desktop and device and install apks from the desktop onto the device - all without needing to use adb or DDMS.

B4A-BridgePlus.exe needs no installation (it is written in Basic4ppc) just put it somewhere together with folder.ico. Install B4A-BridgePlus1.00.apk on your device and run it just like the original B4A-Bridge where it will work with the Basic4android IDE as well as B4ABridgePlus.exe. It should be obvious how to drive B4A-BridgePlus. Right click on a file to do something to it.

There is a transparency issue with the folder icon on the ListView causing a black border that I don't know how to get rid of. Googling I've seen that other people have encountered this but I haven't found a definitive solution yet - but I haven't tried very hard! If you have an folder icon without any transparency you could try renaming it and using it instead of my folder.ico. If it looks nice then post it so I can use it too. :)

EDIT :- Version 1.1 posted. See post#7 for details.

EDIT :- Source and project posted. See post#27 for details.


  • B4A-BridgePlus1.1.zip
    160 KB · Views: 3,053
  • B4A-BridgePlus1.4Project.zip
    10 KB · Views: 2,059
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks Agraham.

Just tested it. It works nicely. It works just like Erel's app on device for installing apk (using WIFI) but in addition you get a file-manager. I tried copying files in both directions and it worked nicely. I also tried installing an apk using the file-manager and it worked as well.

The only problem appears when I am connected at the same time with Basic4Android. Then I get the error shown in the attached picture.

Not a problem - just to make sure I am disconnected from Basic4Android when using the file-manager.

Nice and useful program. :sign0098:


  • error.png
    17.8 KB · Views: 767
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you for this application, Agraham.
It even installs the applications on my A81E, which the regular bridge does not :)


Active Member
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Longtime User
thank you,
an excellent program.
Now i don't need to put my sd card from
my device to the usb-adapter of my PC
for copy any data.


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BridgePlus Icon

Hi Andrew,

Respectful compliments on a brilliant software development!!! Works flawlessly allover and helps shorten development time significantly.

Attached a folder icon (folder.gif and folder.ico) which looks good here, it's blue though.

The icon should be sized 16x16 pixels to avoid black frames as a result of automatic resizing, which I believe the B4PPC application does perform.

Anyway, hope it helps.



  • BridgeIcon.zip
    1.7 KB · Views: 732


Active Member
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Longtime User
thank you,
an excellent program.
Now i don't need to put my sd card from
my device to the usb-adapter of my PC
for copy any data.

You shouldn't need to do that anyway. If you go to Settings\Applications\Development Options, then reconnect your USB cable, you should see the SD card as an external drive on your PC.


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Longtime User
Version 1.1 posted is just a slight tidy-up of a couple of oversights. Only B4ABridgePlus.exe has changed, the apk is the same.

A new folder icon, thanks to Alfcen, looks a bit better than before. The error handling was tidied up internally so you shouldn't now get a "Continue?" MsgBox, and multiselect on the ListViews is now disabled. I looked at implementing it but the asynchronous structure of the file transfer mechanism makes it a bit complicated so I didn't think the effort worth while for the few occasions it might be really useful.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I need to spend some time and get set up with this. Would love to not keep going through ADB, which is extremely slow. Thanks for this.


Licensed User
Longtime User
man, you was reading my mind!!!:sign0098:

it´s very similar to TotalCommander...

Thank You!!!


Licensed User
Longtime User
This program is THE best tool to have when doing basic4android stuff!
Just love the way it fast and without problems put the new code on the phone, and having me test it without waiting for the emulator wake up.



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file copy with b4abridgeplus 1.1

Is it possible to copy more than one file to from my phone or PC or even perhaps a whole directory of files at one time? I am moving contact lists, photos,sms messages and apk's from one phone to another and have to move one at a time.
I have not tried a USB cable or mounted the SD card as an external drive to my PC yet.

Thanks In Advance,


Licensed User
Longtime User
No. As I said in post #7 above
multiselect on the ListViews is now disabled. I looked at implementing it but the asynchronous structure of the file transfer mechanism makes it a bit complicated so I didn't think the effort worth while for the few occasions it might be really useful.


Licensed User
Longtime User
When I run the APK on my device it launches and shows a very strange IP address and then shuts down. Phone is Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9.

