B4A Library B4ABridgePlus utility program

Although not really a library I thought that I would post this here for registered users.

B4A-BridgePlus.exe is an Android device File Manager program that runs on the desktop and communicates with an extended version of B4A-Bridge on the device. Using this you can copy files to and from desktop and device, delete files on desktop and device and install apks from the desktop onto the device - all without needing to use adb or DDMS.

B4A-BridgePlus.exe needs no installation (it is written in Basic4ppc) just put it somewhere together with folder.ico. Install B4A-BridgePlus1.00.apk on your device and run it just like the original B4A-Bridge where it will work with the Basic4android IDE as well as B4ABridgePlus.exe. It should be obvious how to drive B4A-BridgePlus. Right click on a file to do something to it.

There is a transparency issue with the folder icon on the ListView causing a black border that I don't know how to get rid of. Googling I've seen that other people have encountered this but I haven't found a definitive solution yet - but I haven't tried very hard! If you have an folder icon without any transparency you could try renaming it and using it instead of my folder.ico. If it looks nice then post it so I can use it too. :)

EDIT :- Version 1.1 posted. See post#7 for details.

EDIT :- Source and project posted. See post#27 for details.


  • B4A-BridgePlus1.1.zip
    160 KB · Views: 3,053
  • B4A-BridgePlus1.4Project.zip
    10 KB · Views: 2,059
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I have noticed the same thing on my ASUS Transformer (OS 3.2.1) , see attached screenshot.

Note that I have successfully connected to the IDE but had to get the IPv4 address from my routers DHCP server.

Apart from that it works normally so it seems to be a display issue in B4AbridgePlus.



  • P20111211201250.jpg
    3 KB · Views: 368


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I have also noticed the same thing on my ASUS Transformer (OS 3.2.1).IP appears as a strange no.

The B4ABridge gives the correct address.




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I don't understand how B4ABridgePlus can display a different address to B4ABridge. B4ABridgePlus is an extended version of B4ABridge and both use the same simple way of displaying the IP address.

Dim server As ServerSocket 'Only used to show the device IP.
Sub UpdateIp
   Dim ip As String
   ip = server.GetMyIP
   If ip = "" Then
      Msgbox("Device must first be connected to a network.", "")
      ip = "Not connected to network."   
   End If
   lblIp.Text = "My IP: " & ip
End Sub


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Nice work, Agraham!
Any chance we can have a copy of the source? I'd like to integrate portions within my app.


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Any chance we can see the source for the PC based exe?


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Thanks. I don't use (or need) PPC. I was hoping for some direction on the PC programming side such as command sets for the TCPClient side.
I'm trying to create a system deployment application that runs on the PC and deploys to an app on the Android that receives all types of files/folders and installs my system. I currently am using an FTP interface which I find is very slow and unacceptable. The advent of the Honeycomb OS eliminated my ability to mount the Android as a USB so I can't install via wireless as a straight "file copy" function like I used to do (very fast).
Any advice is appreciated.
Thanks again Agraham!


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B4ABridgePlus Permission to use Request

Hi Agraham

Im currently involved with the ( Forum Major Devices - AndroidAdvent TabletsVegaVega ROM Development [ROM] VegaICS Alpha 2) currently we are unable to connect to the device via usb although the devs are working on this its only in aplha 2 stage but non the less amazing as it is now.

B4ABridgeplus would be a god sent helping move things around the device etc as most things are being done by adb

Could we please have your permission to let those interested on the forum plus devs use B4ABridgePlus also a plug for B4A

Thanks for all your great work :sign0098:



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By the way. It appears the Honeycomb OS does not allow you to access the SDCARD or folders via fileio. It mounts the drive, when plugged in via USB, as a portable media device. Windows Explorer can access the folders and copy from/to them, but you can not see them as a drive.
I ended up writing a TCP client/server and it will copy files/folders as well as replicate an entire folder tree including files. This works well, but you have to install the TCP app on the Android unit first.


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I am referring to #15
When I buy a license for Basic4ppc are you willing to share the source code of B4ABridgePlus.exe with me?




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The program is very usefull! But on Samsung Galaxy S 2 with ICS, the IP address not appear! For the program may IP is: 1%1...


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This program is really good. I use it almost every day.
Is there some one who can and is willing to add the bluetooth functionality to it?

Thanks in advance



New Member
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Hello there,
I installed B4ABridgePlus and it worked perfect. The problem is the IP .
It showes My IP: ::1%1


My tablet PC is a ZTPad Cortex A9 with Android 4.0 OS


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Are you a registered user of Basic4ppc? The code is written in Basic4ppc and it uses a couple of my additional Basic4ppc libraries.

yes i have basic4ppc 6.9, and basic4android, can i compile the source code, or is possible use it with source e destination file like command line tools
