B4A Class [B4X] [XUI] xSelectableCustomListView

This is a modification of Erel's xCustomListView version 1.50
It's essentially the same class module, except that some fields, properties and functions were added to handle item selection and enabling, but still keeping all original functionality of xCustomListView in effect.

I decided to work on this to fulfill my personal needs, but I thought it might be useful to somebody else, so here it is.


    • CLVItem
      • Color As Int
      • Enabled As Boolean
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Tests whether the object has been initialized.
      • Offset As Int
      • Panel As B4XView
      • Selected As Boolean
      • Size As Int
      • TextItem As Boolean
      • Value As Object
      • Initialize
        Initializes the fields to their default value.

    • xSelectableCustomListView
      • ItemClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
      • ItemDeselected (Index As Int, Value As Object)
      • ItemDisabled (Index As Int, Value As Object)
      • ItemEnabled (Index As Int, Value As Object)
      • ItemLongClick (Index As Int, Value As Object)
      • ItemRemoved (Index As Int, Value As Object)
      • ItemSelected (Index As Int, Value As Object)
      • ReachEnd
      • ScrollChanged (Offset As Int)
      • VisibleRangeChanged (FirstIndex As Int, LastIndex As Int)
      • AnimationDuration As Int
      • DefaultTextBackgroundColor As Int
      • DefaultTextColor As Int
      • sv As B4XView
      • Add (Pnl As B4XView, Value As Object) As String
        Adds a custom item.
      • AddTextItem (Text As Object, Value As Object) As String
        Adds a text item. The item height will be adjusted based on the text.
      • AsView As B4XView
      • Class_Globals As String
      • Clear As String
        Clears all items.
      • DeselectAll As String
        Deselects all items
        Items already deselected remain so.
      • DeselectItem (Index As Int, WithEvent As Boolean) As Boolean
        Deselects an individual item
        If item is already deselected, it remains so.
        Index: Index of item to be deselected
        WithEvent: If False then _ItemDeselected event will not be raised
        Returns True if item successfully deselected, False otherwise.
      • DeselectItemList (PanelList As List, WithEvent As Boolean) As List
        Deselects a list of items
        Returns a list containing their indexes
        Items already deselected remain so.
        ItemList: A list containing indexes of items to be deselected
        If an item could not be deselected, the corresponding item index in the returning list will be -1
        WithEvent: If False then _ItemDeselected events will not be raised
      • DesignerCreateView (Base As Object, Lbl As Label, Props As Map) As String
        Sub DesignerCreateView has been modified
        Added code get new custom properties from designer
      • DisableAll (WithEvent As Boolean) As String
        Disables all items
        WithEvent: If False then _ItemDisabled events will not be raised
      • DisableItem (Index As Int, WithEvent As Boolean) As Boolean
        Disables an individual item
        If item is already disabled it remains so
        Index: Index of item to be disabled
        WithEvent: If False then _ItemDisabled event will not be raised
        Returns True if item successfully disabled, False otherwise
      • DisableItemList (ItemList As List, WithEvent As Boolean) As List
        Disables multiple items
        Returns a list containing their indexes
        items already disabled remain so.
        If as item could not be disabled, the corresponding item index in the returning list will be -1
        ItemList: A list containing indexes of items to be disabled
        WithEvent: If False then _ItemDisabled events will not be raised
      • EnableAll (WithEvent As Boolean) As String
        Enables all items
        WithEvent: If False then _ItemEnabled events will not be raised
      • EnableItem (Index As Int, WithEvent As Boolean) As Boolean
        Enables an individual item
        If item already enabled, it remains so
        Index: index of item to be enabled
        WithEvent: If False then _ItemEnabled event will not be raised
        Returns True if item successfully enabled, False otherwise
      • EnableItemList (ItemList As List, WithEvent As Boolean) As List
        Enables multiple items
        Returns a list containing their indexes
        Items already enabled remain so.
        If an item could not be enabled, the corresponding item index in the returning list will be -1
        IndexList: A list containing indexes of items to be enabled
        WithEvent: If False then _ItemEnabled events will not be raised
      • FindIndexFromOffset (Offset As Int) As Int
        Finds the index of the item (+ divider) based on the offset
      • getAllItems As List
        Returns a list containing all items' indexes
      • GetBase As B4XView
      • getCheckChar As String
        Gets or sets check mark character
      • getCheckColor As Int
        Gets or sets check mark color
      • getCheckFont As Typeface
        Gets or sets checkmark typeface
      • getDividerSize As Float
        Gets divider height in DIP
      • getFirstVisibleIndex As Int
        Gets the index of the first visible item.
      • GetItemFromView (v As B4XView) As Int
        Returns the index of the item that holds the given view.
      • getLastVisibleIndex As Int
        Gets the index of the last visible item.
      • GetPanel (Index As Int) As B4XView
        Returns the Panel stored at the specified index.
      • getSelectedColor As Int
        Gets or sets selected items' panel color
      • getSelectionEnabled As Boolean
        Enables or disables UI item selection
      • getSelItems As List
        Returns a list containig all selected items' indexes
      • getSelSize As Int
        Returns number of selected items
      • getSelSize As Int
      • Returns number of selected items
      • getShowCheck As Boolean
        Gets or sets wheter or not check marks might be shown in selected items' panels
      • getSize As Int
        Returns the number of items.
      • GetValue (Index As Int) As Object
        Returns the value stored at the specified index.
      • Initialize (vCallBack As Object, vEventName As String) As String
        Sub Initialize has been modified
        Checkmark initialization code has been added
      • InsertAt (Index As Int, pnl As B4XView, Value As Object) As String
        Adds a custom item at the specified index.
      • InsertAtTextItem (Index As Int, Text As Object, Value As Object) As String
        Inserts a text item at the specified index.
      • IsItemEnabled (Index As Int) As Boolean
        Returns True if item is enabled, False otherwise
      • IsItemSelected (Index As Int) As Boolean
        Returns True if item is selected, False otherwise
      • IsTextItem (Index As Int) As Boolean
        Returns True if item is a text item, False otherwise
      • JumpToItem (Index As Int) As String
        Scrolls the list to the specified item (without animating the scroll).
      • RemoveAt (Index As Int) As String
        Removes the item at the specified index.
      • ReplaceAt (Index As Int, pnl As B4XView, PanelHeight As Int, Value As Object) As String
        Replaces the item at the specified index with a new item.
      • ResizeItem (Index As Int, ItemHeight As Int) As String
        Changes the height of an existing item.
      • ScrollToItem (Index As Int) As String
        Smoothly scrolls the list to the specified item.
      • SelectAll As String
        Selects all items
        items already selected remain so.
      • SelectItem (Index As Int, WithEvent As Boolean) As Boolean
        Selects an individual item
        If item is already selected, it remains so.
        Index: item to be selected
        WithEvent: If False then _ItemSelected event will not be raised
        Returns True, if item successfully selected, False otherwise
      • SelectItemList (IndexList As List, WithEvent As Boolean) As List
        Selects a list of items
        Returns a list containing their indexes
        items already selected remain so.
        If a item could not be selected, the corresponding item index in the returning list will be -1
        IndexList: A list containing indexes of items to be selected
        WithEvent: If False then _ItemSelected events will not be raised
      • IsInitialized As Boolean
        Tests whether the object has been initialized.
      • AllItems As List [read only]
        Returns a list containing all items' indexes
      • CheckChar As String
        Gets or sets check mark character
      • CheckColor As Int
        Gets or sets check mark color
      • CheckFont As Typeface
        Gets or sets checkmark typeface
      • SelectedColor As Int
        Gets or sets selected items' panel color
      • SelectionEnabled As Boolean
        Enables or disables UI item selection
      • SelItems As List [read only]
        Returns a list containig all selected items' indexes
      • SelSize As Int [read only]
        Returns number of selected items
      • ShowCheck As Boolean
        Gets or sets wheter or not check marks might be shown in selected items' panels
      • Size As Int [read only]
        Returns the number of items.


  • xSelectableCustomListView.bas
    37.9 KB · Views: 329
Last edited:

Claudio Oliveira

Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Version 1.03 uploaded to post #1

- Added:
  • ItemRemoved (Index As Int, Value As Object)
  • IsTextItem (Index As Int) As Boolean
    Returns True if item is a text item, False otherwise
- Applied Erel modifications on xCustomListView V1.51

Last edited:

Claudio Oliveira

Active Member
Licensed User
Longtime User
Version 1.07 uploaded to post #1
- Applied modifications made on xCustomListView V1.54
- Added:
  • getDividerSize As Float
    Gets divider height in DIP